Regular exercise is the most common way it is advisable to get ideal weight in addition to the diet. But the results of the exercise and a healthy diet in slimming body be more maximum if followed by breathing exercises.
Breathing exercises or better known as the Oxycise is not only helps lose weight but is also very effective to form belly. This exercise does not require a fee and a personal trainer to accompany. What are the types of Oxycise? Check out his following, as quoted from Bold Sky.
1. breathe deeply
This is the easiest type of Oxycise is done. You only need the time between 15-20 minutes each day. Draw a deep breath can increase oxygen intake which can help burn calories. In addition to inhale a lot of oxygen, You can take control of stress hormones even very helpful in controlling appetite.
Position yourself to sit upright with hands placed on the lap, then close your eyes. Meditation for 2-4 minutes with normal breathing. After that it starts to take a deep breath. During breathing, count 1 to 4 and then exhale count to six. Repeat for 10-15 minutes and you will get the body fresh and relaks.
2. Bellows breathing exercises
Oxycise also known as breathing exercises this stimulant increases the energy in your body so that you will remain active throughout the day. Sit upright in a Chair, close your mouth and relax. After that pull and hela breath quickly. Breathing quickly that suppress lung, stomach and chest will help you shrink the waist circumference. Do this exercise at least 15 minutes each day to get maximum results.
3. Breathing from the stomach
Pressing the abdominal muscles is the focus of Oxycise on this one. Somewhat similar to the yoga breathing exercises (pranayama), his knees into position to do abdominal breathing. Use the pillow as the object of the knee and make sure your position is still upright. After that, close your eyes and keep your body relaxed. Count to 10 and then start breathing deeply, hold for 2 counts and then exhale all 5 count. Repeat this belly breathing as much as 10 times.