In contrast to other types of yoga, bikram yoga will make your "overheating". But, don't complain just yet, this is precisely the heat can make you more healthy and fit.
Bikram yoga was developed since more than thirty years ago by Bikram Choudury. Bikram's yoga teachers from India which has an international reputation. He brings the teachings of yoga to the United States in 1971 at the invitation of the Association of American physicians.
Under the guidance of his teacher, Bikram worked together for three years with a doctor and researcher at the University of Tokyo Hospital and created a unique type of hatha yoga.
Results yoga creation evolved quite rapidly to the countries of Europe, Asia, and the Americas. In Indonesia, particularly Jakarta, bikram yoga has been around since 6 years ago and is now located on the Southern Kemang Raya No. 2-Two Kemang Place (2nd Floor), South Jakarta.
"We are holding a license directly from the Bikram Yoga Center.All movements until an instructor have certification from there and implement special standardization of bikram yoga, "says the owner of Bikram Yoga studio Jakarta, Monny Suriany.
Scientifically, bikram yoga is one of the branches of hatha yoga designed to train each part of the body through a series of 26 postures for 90 minutes. Interestingly, the type of yoga that this one should be done indoors "hot": with a temperature of 38-42 degrees Celsius (slightly above body temperature).
"We make the exercise given the heated mirror between 38-42 degrees Celsius. The heat allows us to be able to do the postures in greater depth so as to be able to more quickly gain the benefits of yoga, "said Monny.
The heat will minimize muscle sprains and so reduce the risk of injury. The heat also encourages the body to perform cleaning and Detox, in addition to form the stamina and toughness.A mirror placed in the room will help you have more awareness of your body so that you can improve and deepen Your posture.
Each posture works in Sinergy to restore the level of the balance of the body. For engineering departments, bikram yoga consists of twenty-six series of asanas (postures) that are scientifically designed to heat up and stretch your muscles, joints, and tendons in the order and regularity.
"There are only 26 moves that are routinely performed and there is no addition of any movement. The 26th movement is indeed necessary for the body, no need to add anything else, "call the Monny.
If practiced regularly, bikram yoga will reduce the symptoms of chronic diseases and are able to unite the mind, body, and soul. Other benefits include increased flexibility, strength and balance, lose weight, build muscle, stamina, strengthens and slow down the aging process.
Benefits of yoga is certainly couldn't direct you feel because it all through the process of training. Each person will receive a different effect from the exercise. There are brief and that takes time.
In addition to providing a bikram yoga class, the studio has also become a container of community for those who wish to combine health and hangout.
"We wanted to create a healthy community, where they can get double benefits more than just healthy, but can gather and socialize with each other to friends and expand the network," said Monny.
Bikram yoga class schedule, there are every day with a different time. Usually one day a maximum of four sessions in the morning, afternoon, and night.