There Is Free Time, Try Facial Yoga

There Is Free Time, Try Facial Yoga

New York City woman has been accustomed to using botox injection (silicone implants to the face) or plastic surgery to reduce wrinkles or lines of the face.

But now, to get the facial skin toned and supple, these women already have an alternative that is cheaper and safer, i.e. by doing a Facial Yoga. This Facial Yoga activities they do in a yoga class, in the area of Manhattan's Wealthy Upper East Side.

Susannah Troy confessed initially did not understand Facial Yoga is able to remove wrinkles on the face. For him, the activity that he did because it just wanted to add to the activity in the old days. At the same time get peace myself.

"In fact, many people say, I am much younger and beautiful. Truly a miracle, "he said happily. Troy, was not the only woman who feels happy and much younger after following Facial Yoga. Women in New York currently prefer Facial Yoga rather than poking their faces with botox.

Annelise Hagen teaches this Yoga Facial movements revealed that this activity is very useful to make muscles more supple and toned face. Annelise who recently released a book The Yoga Face: Eliminate Wrinkles with the Ultimate Natural Facelift revealed that basically women want to always look perfect.

Well, one way to do is to train the muscles of their faces. Along with the activities and routines that are done every day, facial muscles will become limp and down, circulation will also face stunted thus leading to wrinkles. That's why the muscles of the face must be frequently trained in order to keep it toned and supple.

Some of the movements of Facial Yoga is The Lion, that movement pulled out of the tongue and eyes goggle up on hold for 60 seconds. In addition there is a movement of Satchmo, puff of one's cheeks movement pursed your cheek and mouth. This is done to train the muscles of the mouth and make the lips fuller and firmer.

"In principle there is Facial Yoga is the same as if you do a streching to other parts of the body. With regular practice, certainly more toned muscles and thus any face looking fresh and blustery winds, "he said again.

Even so, Annelise does not forbid if someone wants to do a plastic surgery or injecting botox. " I will probably do so one day. Although plastic surgery or not, we still need to keep the facial skin's firmness, "said Annelise. Well, for those of you who want a beauty from inside and out, then Annelise strongly suggest Facial Yoga.
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