3 the fact that she apparently loves you

3 the fact that she apparently loves you

Friendship built between men and women often leads to a feeling of falling in love. But ... These signals are sometimes difficult to be felt because you and he already is very familiar and close. Then how do I know that he (and you) may actually be more than just friends.

You Are Very Happy With His Presence

When one starts to fall in love, then his presence would appease You, every time. Either because he is suddenly standing in front of the door of the House, or simply listen to Your grievance about the boss sucks. All the things he's done is very special, and this does not apply to your friends.

He Started Giving Signals

When you are not aware of its presence or being busy (and not pay attention to him), if he tries to grab your attention? For example, ... deliberately tempt you with the path along another woman to see if you are jealous or not (the way men do indeed often strange). Or during a chat, all of a sudden he directs the conversation whether you currently are in love or what it looks like your dream guy.

He Gives More Attention

If he's doing a lot of stuff for you (even if you didn't ask for), it is a signal that he's more than a friend. He will share stories about a lot of things and do not hide anything from You. He also shared many moments that blissful or sad with you. When you ask her to accompany, he is willing to cancel the appointment with his friends. Aw ... Moreover, if not love?

If you get signs of it, you could ask him about the relationship. Whether it is merely a common friend or friend of a commitment and feelings more? Good luck, ladies)
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