Which woman would not want to have a sexy body and trim? To get it of course it takes some effort, one is physical exercise. Here are the four physical exercise that you can do to get such a sexy body offered from Live Strong.
1. cardio exercises
In addition to good for heart health, is also very good cardio exercises to burn fat in the body. Do cardio exercises such as kickboxing, dancing, running, walking, or jump on the trampoline for 30 minutes up to 60 minutes per day to reduce the unwanted fat.
2. strength training
Toned muscles appear to be not only sexy, but also improve metabolism and help burn fat. To get toned muscles, you can use a dumbbell to workout or push ups are good for training the shoulders, arms, and chest You at once. Start doing 3 sets of exercises with a split 10 times per set. Along with increasing your strength, raise the weights workout or multiply training sessions.
3. a short Workout
If you don't have much time to go to the gym, do physical exercises that do not take a long time at home on a regular basis. Exercises such as squats, sit ups and crunches can be useful to the body like a cardio exercises and strength training in a short time.
4. Yoga
Not only useful to improve mood and reduce stress, yoga can also make your body stronger and muscle toning. To start yoga, you can get started with beginners like Downward Dog or the Side of the Crane. If you don't want to learn on your own, offers yourself into a yoga class that is guided by professional teachers.