Improve the quality of work is usually always identical with the seriousness of a person in the work. But who would have thought that by looking at the cute animal photos, it turns out you can improve the performance of the work in the Office.
Quoted from the website of Genius Beauty, a study conducted by scientists at the Japan reveals that by viewing a photo or video of a cute kitten in the computer does not distract you from the job, just the opposite, that way may help refresh the mind and improves the performance of the work. Why is this so?
Research conducted by the University of Hiroshima that finds the fact that the picture of a kitten or puppy carrying someone on a feeling of pleasure.
That is because the heritage of our childhood. See a picture or video with adorable behavior of animals children can take us on a warm feeling and felt like to take care of him.
Something adorable and funny that not only improve fine motor skills, but also improve the quality of work the better. While the adult animal pictures it does not give any effect.
So, are you going to replace the wallpaper on a computer with pictures of puppies or cats after hearing the news?