women who work face more challenges. Not only undergo various
challenges during pregnancy, but also a challenge in the world of work
is often stressful. Make sure to always keep the feeling of pleasure,
becomes the biggest challenges expectant mothers in the workforce are
competitive. This is because stress due to work can drain the energy of
the actual cars need to take care of themselves and of the fetus which
it contains.
Mayo Clinic mentions a number of ways that cars can do to minimize stress in the work environment, including:
Mayo Clinic mentions a number of ways that cars can do to minimize stress in the work environment, including:
- Control the work. Make a list of daily tasks and do based on priority. Consider delegating the task to the work team or remove the actual work is not mandatory, in the daily task list.
- Communicate your condition. Each of the cars have a unique condition that does not always equal one another. Communicate On. Express Your feelings or thoughts related to Office work to the spouse or the person closest to you, to lighten your load.
- Try to relax.
Praktice relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, as well as
to imagine You are in the middle of a quiet place. Prenatal yoga
classes can help you go through this relaxation. But make sure, you have
consulted with a doctor to make sure your condition allows for yoga.
- Learn about the condition and the risk of the work against pregnancy. The condition of different cars. Who could have done anything like before she became pregnant, there was also a condition affecting work productivity. Learn about your condition and work if the risk of pregnancy.
Specific working conditions can increase the risk of pregnancy complications, especially during pregnancy are at risk, including:
- Exposure to certain chemicals.
- Long hours and hectic.
- Stand for too long.
- Weight-lifting.
- The voices that are too noisy.
- Vibration or high voltage of the machine.
- Work with high stress levels.
- The work environment is too cold.
Cars that work may be difficult to perform a variety of daily activities by maintaining a balance. If you begin to be concerned with various problems, consult your doctor. Moreover, if the complaints start to appear on your pregnancy. That way you can make the decision whether it is worth doing a specific action or modify the work and tasks during pregnancy.
On the basis of the recommendation of a doctor, you could then communicate the condition of your pregnancy on the part of the company. That way, your pregnancy went smoothly and the work in the Office was still able to run properly.