Tips for proper facial cleanse and properly according to skin type

Tips for proper facial cleanse and properly according to skin type
 The hot blazing sun, dust-dust that stuck to the sweat droplets, make the face get dirty and can't stand to immediately feel the freshness of the water. That's Your tradition after activity every day. Secure your habits for your pretty face? Of course not, so how are dong the right way to clean your face?

Don't be in a hurry to wash the face with fresh water and SOAP each time home from an activity. Pity smooth skin You must be damaged due to the wrong face cleansing techniques. Neither end of activity at night.

It's good you're changing Your bad habits, delay your face to directly come into contact with water. By following the correct facial cleanse tricks you certainly will be more beautiful.

Well follow these exact techniques clean the face of the following :

1. clean the face with cleansing

Whatever your skin type, cleansing is best made of milk and water. Take a cleansing lotion and massage it on your face. Take the direction of turning out on the cheeks, then form a figure eight on the nose to brow. Enjoy a massage gently across the face for at least 1-2 minutes until it feels the dirt in the face has been lifted. Then clean using cotton.

2. continue with toner

Well this section that you should be aware of, select the toner according to your skin type.

Dry skin        : choose a toner that contains ingredients to moisturize. Ideally that contain ingredients such as milk, almonds, coconut, olive or to make your skin more supple and clean.

Normal skin : for normal skin types, the sari bunga is the best choice. Generally on the market sold toner with the base sari flowers and roses. In addition to fresh skin smoothness effect also awake.

Oily skin      : don't mess with oily skin. You are required to more carefully in choosing a toner. And mandatory you choose is cucumber and lemon juice. Both these materials will bulldoze excess oil and grease and prevent the heap of dirt seeped into the facial pores

Let stand for a few minutes before you wash the face with SOAP and water.

3. flush your face with SOAP

Adjust also the SOAP with your skin type. In General, SOAP will make the skin dry, therefore make sure that there is a considerable content of moisturizer on Your face SOAP.

Dry skin        : keep on choosing SOAP face to the basic ingredients of the milk. Because essentially You just clean the remains of dirt that got You clean with cleansing and toner.

Normal skin : fresh fruits will keep your normal skin moist. Also make sure the content of vitamin E is big enough in Your soaps, so that your skin does not turn out to be dry.

Oily skin        : oily skin though, does not mean you do not need a moisturizer. For that select SOAP rich moisturizer, especially from fruits.

Do not hurry to settle just yet, there's still technique next

4. Toner cover

Eit after You wash your face, not making you relax lo. Squirt the toner on a piece of cotton, then Pat-Pat gently on your face. The last step is to close the circuit a process cleans the face of exhausted after a long day.

Give it a rest period long enough in your face during your sleep. Minimalisir the use of drugs or chemicals in the face during his rest.
Tips For You
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