Tips for getting the skin healthy and beautiful eyes

Tips for getting the skin healthy and beautiful eyes

 The skin of this section need care throughout the ages. No matter summer or rainy, the skin surrounding the eyes need extra care. Here we give you some easy steps to get your skin healthy and beautiful eyes!
  • To get rid of dark circles around the eyes, no matter what age You are, give it time to myself to sleep at least seven or eight hours each night. Sleep with your head higher positions can help you fight gravity  that led to liquid accumulates in the pouch to your eyes and cause the dark circles.
  • Use eye cream around the eyes to make the skin part eyes remain moist.
  • When applying creams or make-up around the eyes using a finger-pressure is lighter.
  • Do not often – often rubbing the eyes because it can make eye infections, and lead to infection in the skin of the eye. Some of us do not wash your hands before touching the eyes, this was the cause of the infection.

Which can be and should not be to soften and rejuvenate the skin 24 eyes

Which Can Be : 

  1. Dip a piece of cotton in cold milk and paste in your eyes closed for 10 minutes. Then relax completely. This will help the eye muscles relax after You get tired of working at the computer.
  2. Grate the potatoes with the peel and stick it in the eye covered for 20 minutes. Then relax completely. This will keep your eye muscles remain toned.
  3. Take a slice of cucumber and put in eyes closed, how this is useful to avoid the formation of dark circles.
  4. If your eyes are red and feels itching, mild eye skin massage with curd (buffalo-milk fermentation) to reduce the temperature of which does not match the skin around the eyes.
  5. Flush your eyes with cold water, which is often useful for making sense of cool on the skin of your eyes.
  6. Give a light massage on the skin of the eye, move the finger up and down gently.

    That Should Not Be :

    -Do not use the contact lenses for a long time or throughout the night. This will make your eyes feel tired and give unnecessary strain on the skin of the eye.

    When You wash the face with water, do not do it in a hurry. Washed away by rough and rush instead of actually making the fatigue in your eyes subsiding but rather make small dust particles in your eyes hurt or make allergy. As a result it can injure the cornea or will make a poignant skin your eyes.

    -Do not use a handkerchief to wipe his eyes, we recommend that you use a tissue, which is more hygienic for sensitive skin.

    -Do not sit close to the TV and the minimum is located within 4.5 metres from the TV. And keep your eye distance to read from a book about us half a metre to strengthen the muscles of your eye skin.

    -Cream make-up for eyes or eye shadow in the shape of sow can get into the eyes, which can cause irritation in the eye muscles and the skin near the eye.

    -Do not use a mascara that is more than a year. This will make your eye skin weak.
Tips For You
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