Tips For Women From Men Who Should Know

Tips For Women From Men Who Should Know

Romance in a relationship with a guy that we loved and loves us always blissful. You'll often read romance tips tips to always lasting. But this time we serve meals because ...

These Tips are taken directly from the men.

Eat As Much As Usual

"I know how the woman often jaim when nge-date or night of the week. Usually they say is already full when ordering food, but once I suapi food, he ate it more than me. Never mind, just order food as much as you eat in a day usually. Men will love it if you guys clean dinner plates, rather than no messages nothing but until the House hunger. "-good, 26 years old.

Do Not Continue To Think Of Us

"When you fall in love, do not make the man as ' Center of the world '. Often lho I see friends women just think of the man, talk about it all the time, all done by the men. For some men, including me, it's somewhat less went sour. Okay pay attention to it, but you must have a world of its own. Do not let you leave the class lecture or not come to the event close marriage in order to accompany us to watch football. "-Word, 27 years.

Please Contact Us At Any Time

"Really Frustrating if the chick I always appraiser contacted me every time. If he send a message and I do not respond, he immediately thought that no-no. Not to mention if she ringing any time soon-my old riled up. Pay attention not to by calling each one hour once or call without a break all night. If you do so, we used to think it was a waste of time and you don't have any other work. Get a life, darling! "-Hadi, 25 years.

You Are Not The Only Special

"Typically, women who are in love feel special and happy if treated meals by the boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, we love to know-happy just to treat you like a King's daughter. But ... you guys are not the only people that are in our lives. We have family, relatives, friends and so on that for us too. We will be happy if you don't ngambek if I have a schedule to play futsal with companions or accompany our sister shopping. "-Fuad, 26 years old.

Independent Chick That Is So Cool

"I am delighted-delighted just to take my girlfriend to and fro. But I'm also a human being who must divide their time and many activities. Males if the chick ngambek because I could not drive her somewhere, but I have a need to be with old friends. Men love to be the guy who could be relied upon, but never mandirilah, we cannot be there 24 hours for you. Except for the very emergency. "-Roni, 25 years.

We (The Real One) Is Not A Money Machine Is Running
"A friend of the woman I never said gini ' seriousness of man as seen from its ability to pay for food or bought goods for his girlfriend ' and I think it was a little silly. Yes ok ... We usually don't mind paying for a meal or cinema tickets. But we'd better appreciate women who want alternate pay. Instead of being a cheapskate, this relationship is the responsibility of both of us, so the financial affairs should also concern both. I'd appreciate a sprightly woman who pays money for parking or treats me a glass of juice while driving over long distances than a spoiled girl who appoints objects here and there relishing. I this is not a money machine is running the Affairs of the other, if already married, then the financial problem 100 percent my responsibility. " Johan, 28 years.

All Men Are Not The Same

"Heartache if there's any woman who says all men are the same. Women usually say so if there's a new guy who hurt him. Directly deh Pat equally assume all the guy sucks and other negative allegations. Honestly, you guys sure did deh like being accused of ' all women are the same, liked a waste of money to buy goods discount of no use " Ito, 25 years.
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