Tips Remain Slim In Spite Of Postnatal

Tips Remain Slim In Spite Of Postnatal
 Mother, do not have to worry about appearances after giving birth. Because there are a few steps you can try to slim down again but you can still safely breastfeed.

However, when breastfeeding is certainly the fruit of hearts need nutrients that are rich. So, it is not recommended to go on a diet with the nutrients cut off desperately.

There are other ways that you can get a baby breastfeeding and nutrition but you can also trim. Follow these steps .

Exercise recovery (1-2 months after birth)

Generally after giving birth, the body was in a period of recovery. In this period, do not do strenuous exercise activity. We recommend that you do only light exercises such as:

* Walk 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes in the afternoon
* Do the stretching hands and action like I'm wearing a dumbell. Do 12 reps, 4 sets of each hand.

Slimming exercises (3 months after childbirth)

At this time you could do more intense exercise and weight, such as:
  1. Jogging 30-45 minutes per day
  2. Swim 30 minutes 3 times a week
  3. Aerobic classes
  4. Follow the fitness class at the gym

According to Harvard University, moms who do light exercise walk 30 minutes a day, has the potential to set back and slim body shape though breastfeeding. In addition, as offered by IndiaTimes, the mothers are also advised to :
  • Drink 10-12 glasses of water per day
  • Stay away from fatty foods, fatty meats and
  • Replace snack rich in fat and calories with healthier snacks such as roasted almonds.
  • Replacing regular cooking oil with vegetable oil while cooking
  • Replace regular sugar with corn sugar
  • Keep breastfeeding, because breastfeeding Burns 500 calories per day
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