Sports including an activity that is important to our body. Many of the benefits generated by exercising on a regular basis. In addition to the form of the body become more beautiful and healthier, exercise is believed to build up the spirit to live a busy days.
So, even though you are a activity that has a dense, it does not mean that the activity can forget this one.
Here are the benefits of exercise for the body you need to know :
Reduce the risk of various diseases
Sport is able to maintain health and prevent various diseases. Exercising regularly can keep You from disease. If you are suffering from the disease, exercise can also keep the disease does not get worse, of course with supervised by experts to match capabilities.
Reduce stress
Exercise is able to make chemicals that are in your brain become more relaxed and feel happy. Regular exercise will also make You fitter and more confident so that spared from the depression.
Maintain weight
Weight loss is a big problem, especially for those who are busy working and lazy exercise. Sport is able to burn flab on the body. If you exercise regularly and keep your food intake so that not too much fat, then your weight loss will always be awake.
Increase energy
Exercise can spur a faster heart pumping blood, so blood carrying oxygen and nutrients can come to the organs of the body organs. Smoothly blood circulation that is rich in oxygen and nutrients to get you the energy to live my life.
Make a good night's sleep
Sports in addition to burn your fat also makes you sleep soundly. The reason after physical activity, fatigue after it will make you sleep more soundly. If you sleep soundly and awake will only then the body will be fit.
Improve sexual desire
There is nothing more damaging to sexual arousal in addition to a sense of tired because the body is not fit. Exercise can prevent difunctional formed an erection in men and increase sexual arousal in women.
Things to consider before exercising, that is, eat an hour before exercise. In addition to energy, in addition to eating can make you strong and not easily tired. However, given the lag time between when eating before exercise, so that the Agency is not surprised. Avoid coffee, sodas, and alcohol. All three of these drinks are not good for the body, because the materials in it can trigger ulcer of the milky way. Do warm up before exercise.