Age Becomes Long With 5 types of Sport

Age Becomes Long With 5 types of Sport
Exercise not only helps streamline the body, to make the body more beautiful and healthy skin. Regular physical activity can also extend the age.

A study was quoted as saying the Huffington Post ran that jogging can increase life expectancy. Researchers from the Copenhagen City Heart Study found that jogging for 1 to 2.5 hours per week can add up to age 6.2 years for males and 5.6 years for women. Experts also recommend adults to do low-intensity exercise during 2.5 hours in three sessions, plus two or more days of strength training per week.

But as it turns out, the sport that could extend the life expectancy of not just jogging. There are six types of other sports that are very beneficial in improving health. No need to work out for a long time, just a few minutes doing physical activity on a regular basis and you will see the difference.

1. go up the stairs
A study conducted in Switzerland found that people who replace his habit escalators with the tread of the stairs, young died at the age of risk is reduced to 15 percent. Head of research Dr. Philippe Meyer revealed, up tanga brought a major influence on a person's health. Data from the Harvard Alumni Health Study also finds, up 35 or more steps within the week, his life expectancy is significantly longer than those who just went up 10 steps per week.

2. Bicycle Pedaling quickly
Cycling and rowing regatta often your bike quickly! A study conducted on the cyclists in Copenhagen, Denmark found that men who cycled quickly live five years longer than those with a slow cycling. What about the women? They are not worried because the sweaty ' speeding ' cycling can live up to four years longer.

3. Swim
The results of data analysis of Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study found that people who swim regularly risk death sudden 50 per cent smaller than that are not physically active.

4. brisk walking

In 2011, a study found that people who are accustomed to walking speed 1 m/s, approximately 2.25 miles per hour, live longer than a pedestrian is sluggish. But brisk walking should also be adapted to the conditions and the ability of the body. For example, a brisk young people certainly in contrast to brisk walking middle-aged already. Do not force the road as soon as possible in order for longevity.

"Your body will choose their own speeds the path that best suits You. The speed of the path is an indicator of the condition of your health. Go out and brisk walking are not deliberately then you'll live longer. A reasonably fast enough, "explains research leader Dr. Stephanie Studenski.

5. High-intensity Sports

High intensity exercise such as aerobics, walking, running or pedaling the bike quickly can help extend longer than low-intensity exercise. The program follows a five-day walk for 30 minutes, add the age of 1.3 to 1.5 years. But The Washington Post reported, high-intensity sports like running for half an hour, five days a week extend age 3.5 to 3.7 years.

It is important to keep in mind the above five sports, only adds to the possibility of human life expectancy in terms of medical, not necessarily making You long, due to the age and life of man remained in the hands of God. It's just that with exercise, the body's automatic too so much healthier and easier to perform activities that require physical endurance.
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