Taking care of the skin in the evening turned out to be necessary for the perfection of the regeneration. This is done to get beautiful skin and good humidity level. One way to use the body lotion.
Taking care of the skin in the evening turned out to be necessary for the perfection of the regeneration. This is done to get beautiful skin and good humidity level. One way to use the body lotion.
The cause of the skin usually becomes dry because of the cold weather so that the humidity of the skin becomes lower.Any other cause due to the presence of substances that damage the skin or excessive use of SOAP and too strong.
"At night the skin regenerate twice more and moisture content of the skin is lost 25% higher than in the morning or afternoon," call Dr. Eddy Karta SpKK, genital and skin specialist.
Eddy mentions, the use of body lotions are effective in improving skin at night.That's because at night the skin is more ready to absorb vitamins, antioxidants, or materials contained in the lotion. "Excellent Lotion absorbed skin when we sleep as skin wearing a natural process for the regeneration of skin cells. The use of lotions intended not only for those who sleep in air-conditioned rooms, "he explained.
Meanwhile, Dr. Edwin Djuanda Kartawidjaja, skin specialist and sex while discussing with a number of reporters at the home of Beautiful Images, Jakarta, also mentioned, at the time of sleeping, skin a chance to refit and update any damage which occurred in the morning and during the day. This process should be prepared optimally through use of body lotion has benefits because the content of nutrients in it. More Dr. Edwin reveals, Cream Moisturiser will more easily absorbed during nighttime because it was wide open pores.
"While sleeping the pores widen because she is in the phase of relaxation, blood circulation increases, and so if you drink water before bed impact will be very good," he said. Several studies reveal, the skin also has a rhythm, the rhythm of these rhythms follow circadia skin for 24 hours. The research also mentions women feel have best skin appearance at 10: 00. Meanwhile, the replacement of the skin cells took place about 30 times a day and the peak occurs at the middle of the night.Then the blood circulation to the skin is increased to 25%.
Hence, the application uses the nicest skin moisturized at night.The use of lotion right fit the required content of the skin will make the process of skin regeneration is more optimal.If during the day, the skin should be exposed to sunlight, so the body lotion is circulating normally contain protection for UV protects from sunburn. However, the use of body lotions at night are still rarely carried out most women Indonesia. whereas, the use of body lotions at night provide excellent benefits for the skin.
A survey conducted against several women in several parts of Indonesia revealed that 9 out of 10 women Indonesia using body lotion daily. However, only 4 of 9 the women who use it during the night. "This shows that as much as 80% of the women Indonesia is yet to understand what is happening on their skin at night while sleeping.
As much as 75% admitted to not using body lotion because it doesn't get used or lazy, "call John Lie, Brand Manager image of Body Lotion, which says the current image of the issuing body lotions, namely the image of Night Whitening, containing vitamin B3 and extract of mulberry. With a combination of vitamin B3 and extract of mulberry in the special formula for skin care at night, then the skin will be brighter and to avoid premature aging.