Eat at the Office desk or sitting positions with humpback whales are some of the bad habits that are often performed while in Office. And of course, it can affect health, such as reduced energy levels as well as changes in body posture.
That doesn't happen to you, now is a good time to reduce the bad habit in the Office. As quoted from danone, the following five tips to get around the bad habits.
1. create a list of
It sounds simple, but it makes the list very useful work. With job listings, you can avoid stress as a result of tasks that pile up. For maximum results, try doing a difficult task in advance.
2. replace your seat
Not a few companies that allow employees to change seats with a stability ball, a ball that was used to work out. If your company is one of them, please do not hesitate to use it. Stability ball is useful to help gain balance while sitting, which in turn stimulates You to sit with an upright posture.
3. walking
Create your blood flowing unimpeded with a walk in Office for half an hour or more. Even walking for five minutes alone can already make a difference in energy levels and make you more productive.
4. Eat
Avoid skipping a lunch hour. A hungry stomach and energy plummeted will only make you can't concentrate. We recommend that you schedule a lunch with regularly and eat some healthy snacks like fruit, nuts or yoghurt. For those of you who fast, make sure Your last meal meal contains the complete nutrition and nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals in order not to limp at work during the day.
5. Sports
Work out in the sidelines of activities the Office turned out to provide impact performance result for You. A study that followed by 210 workers in the United Kingdom found that, those who do yoga or aerobics in the rest period has increased on time management, productivity and better mental. It makes you be not easily stressed and excited all day.
6. and don't forget to drink plain water to taste