How to select the appropriate type of Blush-On Face

How to select the appropriate type of Blush-On Face

Using makeup in a manner precisely refine your appearance. If it is incorrect to apply make up, including in choosing colors, facial makeup is not the maximum. When makeup, color options and how to apply the makeup will also need to look at Your face type.

Ilya Kamelia, Consultans Development Manager Selling Group The Body Shop Indonesia gives tricks wear blush on appropriately to beautify your appearance.

According to Ilya, blush-on needs to look at the four types of the face: the face of heart-shaped, round, square, oval. So, get to know your face shape before choosing colors and apply the blush-on to get a fresh impression of the face is more natural.

The type of heart
Ilya explains, to face the type of liver, you're in luck because you can choose diverse colours of blush-on. There are no restrictions for you in the killing of the blush-on a wide range of colors in your face. However, do not recklessly pick color. We recommend that you adjust the color of blush-on with the desired appearance or theme.

"If you meet clients use warm colors like terracotta color on the cheeks or red brick. Contrasted colour lipstick nude, young pink or brown eyeshadow, "advice on the sidelines of The Body make up demo Sop in Jakarta Fashion Week in 2013, Plaza Senayan, Jakarta some time ago.

For the application of blush-on on a heart-shaped face, focus on top of cheekbones and should not sweep towards the bottom as it will make the face more pointy.

Oval type
For your oval-faced, choose a bold color blush-on, avoid the color matte, but apply it thin. Apply blush on the cheeks from the Middle toward the back, or from the inside out, right on the cheekbones. To find the area is appropriate, try to smile, you will find the cheekbones. But should focus on the eye makeup on makeup application, reduce the overload on the cheeks or other areas. With a focus to the eye makeup, oval face You would be rectified.

Round type
The opposite of the oval type, round face should wear blush-on matte rather than light colors. Can wear dark blue or brown matte matte. Choose a color make up one tone darker than skin color.

Box Type
The face of this type usually have a prominent jaw. In addition to wear blush-on on top of the cheekbones and apply it towards the back, apply blush-on also on the area below the eyes. Wear blush-on light colors on the bottom of the eye.
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