12 tips to cope with fussy si big brother

12 tips to cope with fussy si big brother

The elder kok still whine like the toddler? According to Herlita Jayadianti, SIP, from primary school to grow, Jogja Educational Spirit, Yogyakarta, there are 12 things can a parent do to overcome whining the preschool age.

1. Do introspection.
Parents reflect back what he has done in the accompanying children get to know the world, already there is proper or less. Remember, parents are examples/example closest to the child.

2. Spend time with children.
In fact, not the length of time together but rather on the quality of care you provide. Though only briefly but when sincere, it's better than the old but memorable forced. If you are really tired and need a rest for a while, well tell me frankly in children, "Dear Mama, tired as hell. Mama break Yes, tonight we play alike. " But remember, the promise must be promises kept. Once defiant, children will be difficult again to believe with you.

3. give understanding.
Position the child as a colleague who could be invited to discuss. Use simple language and easy to understand. During the discussion, ask also the expectations of the child. If you need to create a mutual agreement.For example, "Mama can work, but on holidays, time is given for special Mama's brother." Thus children still feel received and appreciated.

4. Teach children express feeling positively.
Skills trainer child in speaking, so that in the end the child can express what he felt better. Even though the child is not familiar with expressing feelings, you should still do. Jasmine child expresses a feeling early on will help children to be more asertif later.

5. get your child talk or discussion.
Invite your child to talk when the whining/wept already chalupy or being relaxed. When the talk or discussion, use simple language and easy to understand. Say what you want. For example, "if my sister wants something, must say yes, not by way of whining. Well, my brother wants what? Come on, just the way Mama. If my sister cry, how Mama could know. "

6. Teach children to resist the urge.
Children should know, not all desires can be fulfilled. You'd better come clean, why can not fulfill his desire.

7. give attention to each good behavior are shown.
Praise when he is not fussy or when he spoke well and reveal that you're happy. With so so children know that good behaviour endeared people around him. He also knows, to get attention can be done in any other way better, not to whine.

8. Ignore bad behavior.
Ignore the child's crying/fussing also required. Here children learn to whine or cry, he will not earn anything. Later when her crying already chalupy, recently You saw and ask for whining. If you are too hebih or hastily giving attention, children will learn that crying is a way to get the attention of people around.

9. be assertive and consistent.
When children want something and you are not allowed, then the maintan, though the child and then crying and whining. Because, once you do not forcefully or consistently, children will learn that whining is a way to get what you want. So, when children behave negatively, don't ever hooked. Time the child will learn that his case will not succeed "stole" her parents ' attention. In order to be effective it should be done by anyone who is in the immediate environment, be it the nanny, grandparents or aunts-om, and other family members.

10. Diverting attention.
When children whine, You could also persuade him by performing other activities that attract his attention/interest, such as reading a book, looking at the plants in the garden, playing in the yard. Of course, persuade him in a manner that is proportionate, it is not redundant.

11. no labeling.
labeling child with the words "crybaby" did not then make a child so not maudlin. Quite the opposite, with often labeled lazy, so the child change his behavior. He's going to think, "What changed so whiny children suffer? I've been labeled as a whiny child, really! " So, avoid the label. Better, change child's behavior toward the positive.

12. avoid violence.
Good physical violence (hitting) and nonphysical substance (rebuke, chide) should be avoided, because it is not resolving the problem but are increasingly adding to the problem. A child who is beaten is not necessarily so whimper subside, usually even harder. Not a deterrent effect obtained but a lesson that in order to resolve the issue of violence to pass. Remember, your child is picked impersonator. Anything done so parents will model for him.
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