Chocolate, fried-fried foods, dairy, and seafood, is food that is often avoided due to the myth of the causes of acne. But it was so fun to avoid the food, there are a few main things that trigger the onset of acne is forgotten by us. What is that?
Active activity would trigger excess oil production. Is the heat also causes us to sweating, due to an increase in the temperature of the body. And we tend to overlook this, with let the sweat fall falling and dwells on the shirt.
Oops, first detection this indicates the appearance of acne, not only on the face but can be on the back or other parts of the body. Sweat and dirt residues carried from within the body, and various bacteria and dust. Here's what later became the cause of the emergence of acne on Your face or body parts.
Tip: always drain Your sweat with a tissue or towel. Don't let settles for too long on the skin, because sweat carry bacteria and dirt that will clog the skin.
Powder Puff
Comfortable, padded and smooth is not a guarantee for powder puffs to be used continuously. You must replace the powder puffs 3-4 months to avoid the growth of mold and bacteria left in the puff and moved into our faces. Just look at any time, the powder puff stick in a gradually growing thick and moist. This place is very good for the development of the bacteria unexpectedly.
Cleansing milk
Instead of cleansing milk that are harmful to your skin, but the habit effect on Acne can appear. In General a sense of tired make us lazy to clean the face, consequently we think only with the cleansing milk is enough clean face of dirt is attached to. You should more carefully would have it, don't underestimate the small habits that trigger the growth of acne on your face.
Tip: follow all the steps to properly clean the face, starting with the cleansing milk, toner, then wash your face with SOAP (it would be better if Your SOAP contains disinfectant).
Bangs hair style does look cute, and sweet, but the bangs it makes you have to be more vigilant, because the sweat and dirt stick to the bangs can freely swept away in the skin of the face. Bangs close the skin and makes it very moist, so Acne can freely thrive behind the bangs.
Tips: while traveling you can parse Your bangs, but tidy up with a pinch if you're lounging at home so that your skin can breathe a sigh of relief and no bangs make your face skin moist.
Hives on face
Itching in the face either due to dust, dirt, mosquitoes or other things often make us cruel. As a result our hands which is not often sterile berteguran directly to the face. Imagine if earlier we are engrossed with an activity (with objects that may contain bacteria or dirt), then we touch the cheeks or other parts of the face. Surely the bacteria or dirt on your hands move to the facial skin is not it?
Water Quality
Inevitably this water quality turns out to be influential with the beauty and health of your skin. Water containing high chlorine levels trigger the growth of acne considerably. Even in some cases, chlorine is accused as the cause of serious acne that is referred to by experts as Chloracne.
1. clean the face with SOAP containing disinfectant in order for germs/bacteria does not develop in the skin
2. always wash your hands with SOAP every occupation, especially outdoor activities
3. Rinse face with cold water so that the pores are not wide open and invite the dust and dirt to freely enter into
4. Always clean your make up with cleansing, SOAP and toner. Better three steps rather ribet rather than one or two steps are in fact trigger acne