Here's the magic behind the touch

Here's the magic behind the touch

The touch is intimate activity that became the basic human needs. The need for a touch is as important as the need for the intake of nutrients. With a body that is not filled with food intake, while the need for a touch is not met then someone else would have a ' famine ' and lose the energy to perform daily activities. Without a touch, someone is going to be easy to get sick, prone to depression, stress, ease anxiety, loss of confidence and motivation. "Both physical touch or Sensation of feeling heart can already be felt since I was in the womb. So reasonable once if touch sensation have effects that are so deep and strong, "said Reza Gunawan holistic therapies, experts say. The effect created a touch so strong and deep, as it is the first sensory function in every human being.

The touch is one good solution to make the body back in shape. "Almost all diseases can be helped with a touch. Start a soft touch, Cranio Sacral therapy as in and Jin Shin Jutsyu up to the harder, such as acupressure and reflexology. Touch, even if only for a little while can help a person become more relaxed, "said Reza.

"The impact was not just the effect the psychological thrill just the right touch, can also boost the immune system. When touch occurs properly, the inner relax, nerves loosens, the body releases the hormone endorphins (hormone of happiness) and oxytocin (a hormone of love) that is identical with a sense of safe, comfortable and loved. The circulation throughout the body and the immune system increases thus creating an inner healing effects was born, "explains Reza.

Some research suggests that babies are less touched his brain growth become not optimal and some even died. For those who rarely gets a touch of having a brain 20 percent smaller than babies who often get a touch of her parents. While in babies born prematurely, given the warm Cuddles her mother making her condition will quickly recover. Reza added, restructuring of the bones, muscles and organs can also be assisted with a touch of a massage. There are even some illnesses that cannot be cured with medicine can be cured with a touch as Jinn syin acupressure and jitshu.

Touch represents a sense of security, connected, close, comfortable, cherished and loved. Teza revealed when one receives the touch, this relates to a series of response of the body either by hormonal and nervous, to create a sense of being relaxed and comfortable. The right touch can turn the hormone oxytocin, or often called hormones of love that gives a sense of security, relaxed, peaceful and warm.

"The hand is merely a tool for touching. But behind the intentions or intensi touched it that will determine how big the effect. Touch coupled with presence, attention and gentle intentions will make the person receiving a touch also felt a more comfortable and relaxed. This happens with natural, like a baby being panic, grief-stricken and angry, calm will be faster when dielus and nestled by her parents, "explained Reza.

Indeed emotional closeness of the person who will give a touch more powerful anesthetic. For example, a child who grows up with a touch of warm affection to his parents later will flourish and grow into better and optimal. According to Reza that occur due to the way the birth of a child, sexual relationship starts from both his parents, pregnant and giving birth, breastfeeding and parenting and is supported by the environmental conditions as well as family genetic pattern everything is done with a touch of affection which will determine how the quality in the growing phase of company growth ahead. A touch of a parent, is the learning for the child. The slightest touch gave a big impact to the child. Started just giving ' high five ' to Peck and hug the child will sleep at night.

Then why is it when the kids grew up they receive touch such as hugs from her parents? Understand, the rejection is done solely children is just one way to show their independence. "When children become larger phases they passed the life in the age of teenagers that includes more character development process an individualistic, so despite the need for a touch of old people still there, is not the only capable of filling the ' starving ' they would touch," said Reza.

In addition, according to Reza, less understand a parent will need to give and receive touch as well as parenting a less warm also plays a major role for their refusal to be a given. Perfect timing plays a role here. The best way is to give a touch of warm when you and your child are just two of us. "A sense of comfort that comes from a touch, of course apart from the factor of proximity relationships, also influenced by the sense-of-boundary are managed properly," explained Reza.

So everyone have a different personal limits spaces, and people around him will have different levels of access depending on the familiarity, a sense of trust, and their relationship, "said Reza. To that end, according to Reza, touch must be trained and be done with it as often as possible in order to give and receive it properly. Because the touch is not simply applied mathematical formula can be measured and calculated.

This is a loving touch, not for sensual effect. If done properly, with each other, will feel more loved and create relationships intimate

1. Caress his head

"Start by putting your fingers on the neck of the pair. Then do a massage to the upper part of the back of his head, "said Steve Santagatai, author of the book a best seller. The Manual.

2. Shoulder Massage

Remember, the most important is not where You give a touch, but what about the emotions that occur at that time. According to Santagati it can begin by giving a touch of warm then go for a massage on the shoulders of amorous couples.

3. Embrace from behind

According to Allen Berger, Ph.d., author of the book Love Secret, couples embrace you warmly and not even lean against them. Lean mean you try to share the burden and to couples. But a big hug that seems to say ' I love you '.

Source: GoodHouseKeeping, Edition November 2012, page 81
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