Quoted from LiveStrong, processing, mixture of seasonings and preservatives that make potatoes no longer healthy. Here are a few health risks thus obtained as a result of eating potato chips.
1. high Calories
The producers make the potatoes to make its products by way of deep fry in oil. The oil that is the ' place ' of calories and fat--that are at risk of increasing weight--into the potato products. Each gram of fat supplies 9 calories, it was two times more than the calories in carbohydrates or proteins that are only 4 calories per gram. High-calorie can increase the risk of obesity and insulin resistance, a condition in which the cells not responding to insulin.
2. type 2 Diabetes
A study conducted by ' Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology and Harvard Medical School and a women's Hospital in Boston revealed that eating the fries are associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes in women. The research, published in the ' Journal of The American Clinical Nutrition ' this also suggests that those risks will be more severe if the person with obesity among women.
3. heart disease
Some food manufacturers often use trans fats to prepare the food, including potato chips. Consuming trans fat can hinder the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart, and this increases the risk of heart attack and death.
Research conducted by scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health found that often consuming trans fat can give you a significant risk to the patients with coronary heart disease. The American Heart Association says that proper intake of trans fat is less than 1 percent of total daily calories.
4. Acrylamide
Acrylamide acrylamide is a chemical or material in potato chips that can increase the risk of developing cancer and nerve damage. Research in the Department of Food Engineering at the Mersin University in Ciftlikkoy, Turkey found that acrylamide levels will increase and be carcinogens when potatoes fried in a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius. Research undertaken researchers National Institute of Food and Nutrition in Warsaw, Poland also revealed, acrylamide consumption on potato chips can induce conditions that can increase the risk of atherosclerosis, inflammation of the blood vessels.