8 the phrase doubt delivered by men

8 the phrase doubt delivered by men

Relate in a long period of time, does not mean there is no thing that concealed the man from his partner. Men often can not simply expressing what they feel or think on his partner. It is because there are things that men are better kept in the liver. Or worry if expressed or asked, could offend or hurt him. Here are nine things that doubt is expressed to her lover man, as reported by the Times of India.

1. the Salary She Earned
For questions like this guy impressed trapping and very disrespectful. As if these women are demeaning and assume one eye himself. Man can tell a raise or a promotion he got, but not how the amount of salary it brings, be it large or small. Media professionals, Dipti Sahu, says that men tend to be more competitive in comparison with women, so they cover things that are judging their income.

2. Financial Balance
The modern Era of allowing the woman to have a job as a career and women get equal with men in employment. But basically the man wanted them to remain on duty as a breadwinner in the household and women on duty to manage the household.

Men don't want to with the success achieved by women, will drop the price themselves. as the backbone of the family. Maybe he will encourage You, but inside her, she felt insecure and competed. In contrast to men, women pleased and proud of the achievement and the success achieved by his partner.

3. Fantasize Doing Scenes with Other Female Mesra
Men often imagine and fantasize doing scenes with other women to be friendly when he was making out with his wife. But they bold and never dares to say it to her partner.

4. don't like If her partner to become another man
Men are always watching and keep the guy no one dares look or glance at his partner. The man will feel angry and upset when there is talk about their spouse. But the men do not want to say it for fear of women feel their overprotektif.

5. do not like his girlfriend with him all the time
Sometimes excessive attention and affection shown women with a way to contact their partner all the time making men steamy and not freely. Women are often angry and upset when her partner did not reply to a message or a long time when raising their cell phones. However, man cannot express it because it did not want to cause contention.

6. don't like to talk about your ex-spouse with her lover
A discussion of your ex-spouse is not liked by men. This makes men reliving the pain and sorrow they have ever experienced though which discuss it is women who are undergoing relationship with him at this time.

7. do not interfere with their problems
Always meddling in the problems encountered is not tolerated by man. They are not trusted in resolving the matter at hand and so reduce their ego.

8. the dilemma between friends and lovers
Men spontaneously invited friend to join him while he was on a date with his wife. This often interferes with the ladies and make the eve upset due to the destruction of the atmosphere and the opportunity to just tandem with spouse. Obviously this is confusing for men, because on the one hand he wanted his friend to gather it, but on the other hand he also like to accompany her spouse.
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