6 things required to be done during the long trip

6 things required to be done during the long trip

Traveling to distant places require special preparation. Besides stamina, health and comfort should also be maintained. You would certainly not want to feel offended or uncomfortable all the way. For that, look at this thing six times to travel long distances, as quoted from the All Women Stalk.

1. avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages
Arriving at the destination, you get to partying and drinking champagne, wine or whisky till you drop. But it's not the moment to be traveling much. Although liquids, alcohol can cause dehydration and it could disturb the comfort as well as the condition of the body when you have to travel over a dozen hours. It would be very uncomfortable if you hangover and jet lag at the same time. Instead enjoy traveling, you will sleep in the Inn a day. Loss, right?

2. sleep
If you want to travel long distances and without having to feel tired and limp while traveling, then it is very important to fullfill the needs of sleep. When traveling by plane, no need to impose the eyes to stay awake during sleepy. Well, when you do a road trip, stop driving when tired. Take a break at the gas station every few hours is highly recommended.

3. Fill intake of Feed
Although in more frequent trips around and not much is moving, keep your body requires energy. Power required arriving at your destination to lift luggage or if you want to directly take a walk. Thus, consume food every few hours during the trip. Bring healthy snacks like low-sugar oatmeal biscuits, protein bars or dried fruits.

4. Note the Convenience Factor
The little things are often taken lightly can be very handy when you're traveling far. For example, when on the plane, carrying a small pillow will be very helpful when You want to sleep or prop up a sore waist. Not intend to say that the cushion provided by the airline that's ugly, but it would be more comfortable if you bring your own pillow.

5. Seating
Where you sit is very influential on the overall length of the trip. Choose a seat on the plane carefully. A seat near the window or window seat is ideal when you want to sleep during the journey. If you are the type of person who doesn't enjoy sitting linger or often to a small room, select seats near the aisle cabin.

6. Clothing
Fashion is also a very important factor when having to travel far. Do not think about whether you'd look good with clothes to wear, but it's more preferred comfort. Choose clothes that are simple, not too much detail. In addition the wear made from lightweight and easy-to-absorb perspiration like cotton, linen, rayon and spandex.
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