5 methods of Cost effective Expenditure until the end of the month

5 methods of Cost effective Expenditure until the end of the month
The longer the higher cost of living. Call it the cost of daily necessities, the cost of healthcare and education. Become a versatile and Intelligent Finance set up now this is in accordance with the demands of its time.

With the high cost of living, it's no wonder they are saving or investment to be a hard thing to do. Even often, money is up before payday. The savings is not that easy to do, but not impossible. There are small steps that can be taken and have a major impact on your monthly expenses.

1. utility bills
Reduce your air conditioner use. especially if there are no people in the room. If you start with turn off the lights if the room is not in use, place the same on air conditioning a few people like to turn it on AIR CONDITIONING before entering the room to sleep, cool the room before use. Stop this habit! Another way to save is by choosing to use the fan especially when cold weather such as the rainy season is to reduce energy consumption.

In addition to AC power vacuum that a lot is the washing machine. You should begin to reduce the day wash, don't do every day. Use the washing machine for only two or three times a week will help save a lot of money. Wash your clothes in the morning, so You have plenty of Sun to dry it. Living in the tropics with the sun shining like Indonesia, it was a dryer does not need to be used at any time.

Do not miss the always switch off unused equipment. Including just fill your mobile phone and your laptop when the battery is almost exhausted. It also helps keep energy consumption at a minimum amount.

2. cell phones

Use the cheapest cell phone service in your area. Make sure you do not pay additional fees vary. Many operators offer the actual features you don't need. Stop subscription for all packages. Other way do not use GPRS if you can use Wi-Fi or the internet from PC. If you are at home, use Skype, BBM, Whats the App rather than call.

3. use the "single provider"
There are many companies that offer internet, phone and cable services all in a single package at a discounted price. Try this option instead of using different service providers. It can save you the cost of up to 20 percent.

4. Stop the habit of "window shopping"
Limit your trips to the market, malls or shopping centers. Start stop activities of window shopping. Try just visiting a shopping center if you really need something. Do window shopping activities often entrap you buy something that's not necessary.

5. credit card
Try to always use cash, use to pay any of your expenses. That way you will save 2.5 percent tax from the credit card you are using. If using a credit card have to select which gives the reward points. Limit only one bank card to save annual costs.

In addition to the 5 ways mentioned above, many other measures to lower your budget. Cut down on eating out and don't buy food when the fridge is still full of groceries. Other steps do not need to subscribe to a high-speed internet connection at home when you're not a freelancer. Well, it relieves some of the luxury in your life is the key to trim expenses each month.
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