7 injury commonly experienced during jogging exercise

7 injury commonly experienced during jogging exerciseJogging is a sport activity that is fun and healthy. However, if not done properly will cause injuries, from mild to severe injury. Learn about the seven injuries that often experienced during jogging, and ways to prevent it as offered from All Women Stalk.

1. pain in the Shins because Clash
Sprains and pain in the shins often occurs if you drop or bump hard objects when running or jogging. These injuries generally occur in people who are just starting an exercise run, especially when running too intense and fast. A way to avoid it is to reduce the speed of a run. Do not force myself to run too far or fast only to burn more calories. Add a running track distance You gradually, at least 5-10 yards each week.

2. Piriformis syndrome
Injury when running often cause pain in the butt. But sometimes it can also spread to areas of the legs and lower back. The key to avoiding the syndrome is by running on a flat surface and do stretching or stretch on the hamstrings after running.

3. Her Hamstring
Tightening of the hamstring and the frequent thunderous effort resulted in the calf muscles. This can be prevented by doing the stretching muscles after a run. Another way that is recommended by most doctors who deal with related sports injury treatment is doing the stretching on the back foot after running, so keeping the muscle condition when recently finished work.

4. knee injury
Shoes that are comfortable to use and the surface of a running track that well is one way to prevent the occurrence of injury in this area. Women are generally susceptible to injury on a knee. However, there are several ways that can be done to prevent it, IE; strength training kuadrisep, lowering the speed of running, reducing the route uphill path, as well as increasing the distance the path little by little.

5. Bonding Syndrome-Iliotibal
If you often feel pain on the outside of the knee, and thought that it was a knee injury, might actually be that you are experiencing is a syndrome iliotibal bonds. This syndrome occurs because the ligaments that shift on your feet, from the hip bone area until dry. These injuries can be prevented by reducing the stress on the wrist by using proper sports shoes as well as reduce the distance run at the height of the surface of the ground that is too uphill. This injury is thought to occur due to the width of the waist larger women as compared to men, thus causing the foot positions tend to be more lopsided when it ran.

6. Plantar Fasciitis
Each Cabinet makes the soles of the feet You get tired and sore, pain also often very sharp and tormented endlessly. The way to resolve it is to find shoes with arch support that corresponds with your feet, and walk on the surface of the soil. People who have weight too thin or obese also threatened injury of Plantar Fasciitis. Because it ran with a medium speed and don't get too many runs.

7. broken bones
Fractures can be experienced in every sport, including sports run. If you are experiencing unbearable pain and swelling, contact your doctor and do x-rays. Better tackling quickly rather than too late.

All the injury indeed result in effects that are not wearing, but it's not that these things cause you to stop doing the sport run that you enjoy doing. Prevention is the key, and do diagnosis and physical therapy in a quick and timely manner. Make sure the shoes are used is just right and ran on the surface of the ground is good. The last one, do not impose your body. When the body is already feel uncomfortable, immediately stop, find a place to rest and breathe fresh air.
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