The intelligence of the child can be shaped and stimulated since I was in the womb, said doctor nerve specialists from children's Health Science Department of MEDICINE-RSCM, Dr. Dwi Widodo Putro, SpA. "The intelligence of the child already can be stimulated since I was a fetus, through nutrition and stimulation from the outside," said Dwi at a news conference in Jakarta on Thursday.
According to Dwi, intake of nutrients the mother is crucial in the formation of a child's brain is mainly on the first three months of pregnancy. While for stimulation from the outside can be a touch, and sound. "When you become pregnant, pregnant women often stroking the belly the fetus, invited talk, and play classical music, is a form of stimulation from the outside," explained Bi.
Dwi adding stimulus, this can be done because of some organs of the body and the brain behind the fetus associated with hearing loss are already taking shape. Stimulation of nutrition and from outside it, said Dwi is able to improve the connection between brain cells, or commonly called synapses. As the connecting bridge, Synapse allows brain cells to communicate with each other or transmit the signal.
"The more the brain is stimulated at this stage, it will be the cells will develop into the more and the better. One of the nerve cells of the brain usually reach 2,500 networks when the baby is born, "she continued. BI also stressed that with the given stimulation during pregnancy, the baby is born can have a network of brain cells up to 3,000 of the synapse.