Tips to get the most out of health insurance

Tips to get the most out of health insurance 

A lot of people buying insurance products without understanding very well the benefits and risks of these products. For health insurance, for example, we often think that accounting for this product that we've been assured persons in terms of health. In other words, no matter how much we spend care expenses will be reimbursed in full. In fact, it is not always so.

Insurance companies have a standard or a specific calculation in determining the insurance coverage or the amount of compensation you can receive. Some of the factors that determine the amount of compensation that among other things, how healthy Your body condition, how your family's health history, and how much the amount of the premium that you pay.

Should you purchase a product, health insurance when you're young, the age and health conditions are prime. When the health insurance you buy when your body is not fit, or to be seeking treatment for a specific disease, it could be that your claim is not accepted within a certain period of time.

To get the most out of health insurance, that you can do is:
1. Lower your weight. Make sure you maintain the weight loss does not rise and remain at a normal rate. Thus, Your insurance premium will be lower. You can check your normal body weight through the calculation of body mass index (IMT). When the results of IMT show that your body weight is included in the class in the overweight, the insurance company will men-charge You with high premiums.

2. exercise Routine. Indirectly, health insurance also serves to keep Your exercise schedule. If you are making exercise as routine, you will get used to staying active and provide a positive image about your health.

3. reduce the smoking habit. The habit of smoking will affect negatively the insurance premium, and most likely won't give you maximum benefits for you. If you are trying to hide this smoking habit from your insurance agent in order to get a low rate, probably will not be much help. This is because the majority of insurance policies include a blood test. This kind of test can ensure Your tobacco consumption. In order to get low insurance premiums, ideally you have quit smoking.

4. avoid alcohol. Your health insurance premiums could go up if you consume alcohol on a regular basis. It would be better if you avoid alcohol consumption so that the insurance company did not find other reasons to raise Your premiums. However, as was the habit of smoking, you should stop the habit of drinking alcohol is much before sending the application to purchase insurance products.

5. No need to add information that You can't remember. If you can't remember whether you have ever been diagnosed with a particular disease, do not add it to the insurance application. Loss, if You think You have a particular disease so that insurance companies to create a policy that you cannot claim the cost of treatment for the disease in a period of two years for example. In fact, the alleged presence of the disease is not proved. Therefore, please tell us that you remember well.
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