Think first Before saying yes

think first before saying yes

Often we mean to be a good listener, or perhaps a good friend. Finally, we are too positive and only Yes-Yes only when a friend tells a thing on us even though we already know it less well. We are too permissive attitude toward someone and most allow even make us deceive ourselves. This is one of the bad habits that we don't realize our own plunges and the person who talked with us.

The following The Best Female will explain why we don't have to always yes said.

1. hesitation delivered the opinion of the

We become hesitant, even become timid in spells out what we want to convey. We are so sure that we also have the right to argue and honestly because too often puts the feelings of others. Occasionally, you may position themselves as listeners, but because you're not entirely a psychiatrist, you can position themselves as people who care about your colleagues. Tell me if you do not agree with their thinking, but in a way that is polite and could provide a good middle way.

2. Stress

The habit of holding the disagreements could make our own stress. Too many of our opinion that obstructed and cause us stress. The cause could be even because you are not able to refuse when someone wants to vent but you're not in a capacity to listen. Before you save others, save yourself first so you can get up to help them.

3. say it on others

Not being able to say it in person, you are in fact wreak to others. Finally the person so know about what you and your friends are talking about. Oops, to be gossiping dong ya. You were so impressed as people talk about other people behind. If You can not express right when your friend's vent, say at a quieter moment and pas. Thus, you and your friends will be equally accepted the intent of each other without offense, You so much relief.

Help others not to make you sick. Although intended to be a good listener, does not mean we become passive. Try to convey Your opinions more truthful when it is needed. There is no harm became the to the point without much further ADO.
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