According to the anthropologist Helen Fisher, PhD, most wives don't want to make her husband feel upset, bothered, or afraid that choose to lie. Lying is sometimes forced to do to appease the people who loved, and yet not forever lie was good.
When you've often lied, then it will be difficult to keep the lie can still be covered at a later date and may destroy your marriage due to the loss of a sense of trust. Here are eight lies are often pronounced the woman on her husband as quoted from woman's Day.
1. never Discuss personal problems to a friend
Most men don't want to talk about an issue that is personal to his friends, while the women instead. The woman who tells the household problem to a friend was afraid her husband would be Livid if know it, so choose to lie.
According to the marriage and family therapist Carin Goldstein, recounting personal problems to a friend means you run away from the problem and avoid the debate. If you request a solution to solve the problem of my household, then you are asking at the wrong source.
2. Never Meet the guy other than in the Office
If husbands feel jealous of Your colleagues, you shall not lie by saying that you never see him other than in the Office because if later discovered by my husband will only give rise to contention. According to psychologist Dr. Andra Brosh says that You better make friends with the guy in the Office does not harm the domestic life and ask what made my husband feel jealous. When both parties feel secure in the relationship of marriage, then having friends of the opposite sex in the Office won't be an issue again.
3. always keep your Diet
Indeed not all men require his wife to maintain pattern of healthy eating, but most women feel guilty if eating fatty foods and fear of fat so that lie on the husband. In fact, the he's not necessarily judgmental if you consume unhealthy food. Rather than lie, better made on the husband about the food you want is accompanied with humor.
4. stay away from Girlfriends who Disliked her husband
While spending time with women who are not favored by the husband, then you tend to lie to prevent quarrels. Imagine if the one who is lying to you, surely it would be frustrating isn't it? Rather than lie, it is better you are talking about the positive things about the girlfriends who disliked that the husband she could start to get rid of hate.
5. buy the stuff because of the Discounts But Not
Of course women love shopping to sometimes spend too much money. For fear of a fight with my husband, not least the wife lied about the price of goods bought by reason of being a discount. Please be aware that sometimes the husband asks the price of goods you buy just because feel curious, so you do not need to deceive.
6. Little Lies
Small lies are indeed sometimes happened unawares. Dr. Brosh noticed the woman lying about little things to avoid embarrassment and can be a big problem at a later date. If you are experiencing a problem, please do not feel shame but rather discuss to my husband to be able to help you find suitable solutions.
7. Fake Orgasm
From observations of Goldstein most wives did not want her husband to feel ashamed because of unsatisfactory in a bed so often faked an orgasm while making love. Rather than lie, try to figure out what can be done to make your husband orgasm and honestly say to him. Honestly, my husband will feel more confident of being able to appease You.
8. hide a sense of discomfort
Since the beginning of the marriage, women tend to be trying to keep harmony with hide any discomfort caused her husband and eventually continued in the long term. According to Goldstein, hide the matter of couples can be the cause of the divorce. To that end, better express the things you dislike from the husband honestly and ask him/her to change it. Indeed the change takes time, then it be patient while she was on the stage of self repair.
When you've often lied, then it will be difficult to keep the lie can still be covered at a later date and may destroy your marriage due to the loss of a sense of trust. Here are eight lies are often pronounced the woman on her husband as quoted from woman's Day.
1. never Discuss personal problems to a friend
Most men don't want to talk about an issue that is personal to his friends, while the women instead. The woman who tells the household problem to a friend was afraid her husband would be Livid if know it, so choose to lie.
According to the marriage and family therapist Carin Goldstein, recounting personal problems to a friend means you run away from the problem and avoid the debate. If you request a solution to solve the problem of my household, then you are asking at the wrong source.
2. Never Meet the guy other than in the Office
If husbands feel jealous of Your colleagues, you shall not lie by saying that you never see him other than in the Office because if later discovered by my husband will only give rise to contention. According to psychologist Dr. Andra Brosh says that You better make friends with the guy in the Office does not harm the domestic life and ask what made my husband feel jealous. When both parties feel secure in the relationship of marriage, then having friends of the opposite sex in the Office won't be an issue again.
3. always keep your Diet
Indeed not all men require his wife to maintain pattern of healthy eating, but most women feel guilty if eating fatty foods and fear of fat so that lie on the husband. In fact, the he's not necessarily judgmental if you consume unhealthy food. Rather than lie, better made on the husband about the food you want is accompanied with humor.
4. stay away from Girlfriends who Disliked her husband
While spending time with women who are not favored by the husband, then you tend to lie to prevent quarrels. Imagine if the one who is lying to you, surely it would be frustrating isn't it? Rather than lie, it is better you are talking about the positive things about the girlfriends who disliked that the husband she could start to get rid of hate.
5. buy the stuff because of the Discounts But Not
Of course women love shopping to sometimes spend too much money. For fear of a fight with my husband, not least the wife lied about the price of goods bought by reason of being a discount. Please be aware that sometimes the husband asks the price of goods you buy just because feel curious, so you do not need to deceive.
6. Little Lies
Small lies are indeed sometimes happened unawares. Dr. Brosh noticed the woman lying about little things to avoid embarrassment and can be a big problem at a later date. If you are experiencing a problem, please do not feel shame but rather discuss to my husband to be able to help you find suitable solutions.
7. Fake Orgasm
From observations of Goldstein most wives did not want her husband to feel ashamed because of unsatisfactory in a bed so often faked an orgasm while making love. Rather than lie, try to figure out what can be done to make your husband orgasm and honestly say to him. Honestly, my husband will feel more confident of being able to appease You.
8. hide a sense of discomfort
Since the beginning of the marriage, women tend to be trying to keep harmony with hide any discomfort caused her husband and eventually continued in the long term. According to Goldstein, hide the matter of couples can be the cause of the divorce. To that end, better express the things you dislike from the husband honestly and ask him/her to change it. Indeed the change takes time, then it be patient while she was on the stage of self repair.