When you and your partner are planning a wedding, there's rarely any innocents appear alternately. Some say trials are trials, but others say it as a ' warning ' over your decision to marry. Here are a few trials that usually come when you're planning a wedding.
1. Financially Unstable
Financial concerns not only give bad impact for those who are already married. For an unmarried one, financial problems could be the trigger for a fractured relationship. Therefore, think about and discuss with mature about financial problems. Ranging from who will spend for the wedding party, and who is responsible for expenses each month after marriage.
2. come in third person
When the wedding party was staying, counting the days of your relationship and couples ' bullied ' by the arrival of a third person. Some people refer to the advent of this third person as trials are best avoided, but others considered as ' exciting things done before she was married. Whatever your decision, think well considering the pair. Do not let your decision made just based on the curiosity that could be bad.
3. staying with In-laws
A lot of things that need to be discussed before You and married couples. Starting from financial settings, until the child's place of residence. For you and your spouse don't yet have their own home, try discussing where it will stay. The decision staying with in-laws is often the cause of disputes that can be led to fractured relationships. Never used to be derailed by the assumption that living with in-laws is not at all fun, and most importantly, talking about these issues with your partner.
4. Shaky Confidence
When the marriage is already in sight, some people begin to experience ' over thinking ' that ultimately shake her confidence. "Whether I was able to provide my wife?, if I can be a good wife? I can't cook, why he chose me? ", are some of the questions commonly raging in the minds of people who ' over thinking '. If you experienced it, try to calm yourself and ask the couple write down the things that made him fall in love with You. When negative thoughts come again, you can simply read the list.
5. Doubt In Couple
Doubt against a pair of trials most often coming in, especially for those who will perform the wedding. "Is he the one?," is one of the questions that often have in mind. Tell us your doubts to spouses, parents or relatives nearby. If necessary, postpone marriage could be a solution that makes sense. However your happiness is everything.
1. Financially Unstable
Financial concerns not only give bad impact for those who are already married. For an unmarried one, financial problems could be the trigger for a fractured relationship. Therefore, think about and discuss with mature about financial problems. Ranging from who will spend for the wedding party, and who is responsible for expenses each month after marriage.
2. come in third person
When the wedding party was staying, counting the days of your relationship and couples ' bullied ' by the arrival of a third person. Some people refer to the advent of this third person as trials are best avoided, but others considered as ' exciting things done before she was married. Whatever your decision, think well considering the pair. Do not let your decision made just based on the curiosity that could be bad.
3. staying with In-laws
A lot of things that need to be discussed before You and married couples. Starting from financial settings, until the child's place of residence. For you and your spouse don't yet have their own home, try discussing where it will stay. The decision staying with in-laws is often the cause of disputes that can be led to fractured relationships. Never used to be derailed by the assumption that living with in-laws is not at all fun, and most importantly, talking about these issues with your partner.
4. Shaky Confidence
When the marriage is already in sight, some people begin to experience ' over thinking ' that ultimately shake her confidence. "Whether I was able to provide my wife?, if I can be a good wife? I can't cook, why he chose me? ", are some of the questions commonly raging in the minds of people who ' over thinking '. If you experienced it, try to calm yourself and ask the couple write down the things that made him fall in love with You. When negative thoughts come again, you can simply read the list.
5. Doubt In Couple
Doubt against a pair of trials most often coming in, especially for those who will perform the wedding. "Is he the one?," is one of the questions that often have in mind. Tell us your doubts to spouses, parents or relatives nearby. If necessary, postpone marriage could be a solution that makes sense. However your happiness is everything.