Your life is a success, had a high office, healthy families, the kids are cute, and good friends, but why Yes you are still often angry for no reason and feel unhappy persons? Why your life unhappy?
1. low self confidence
There are just things that can make you not confident, regardless of appearance, jobs, etc. Low confidence could eliminate your true happiness. Because when you do not love and respect yourself, you're not going to really enjoy life and happy with the various things that are done. Can-can you always think of a negative-minded people or waffle about yourself.
2. the Avengeful
Do a mistake is a very human trait. However, when someone did wrong to you, do not you should be avengaful. Anger, hatred, to revenge can make you feel depressed, stressed, anxious, and always thought of scheming for revenge. Someone who let her keep the rage and revenge to those who had hurt him will never feel happy.
To get happiness in life, we recommend you do not grudge to anyone and forgive him. Naturally, just angry, but do not hold a grudge.
3. Too workaholic
You may have specific targets and is eager to achieve that desire. But being a workaholic is not the right way. Workaholism can make you unable to enjoy any process you are going through. Instead of being able to hit a target, you're even more stressed and unable to enjoy life. No matter as much and as hard as what you are working, you should have time for me time and rest.
Insert schedule me time in your calendar, because life is too short to spend just to work. Give a little fun in your busy life in order to be happier. Life is more happy and relaxed instead so you can be a lot of ideas to achieve the target of your work. Though hard work and a workaholic can make you fast rising Office and got a lot of money, doesn't mean you're happy. Money can't buy happiness isn't it?
4. Too perfectionist
Being a perfectionist can be a good thing. Perfectionist helps you to achieve higher targets and better results than expected. It's just that sometimes you love to give a less realistic targets for yourself. This is not realistic targets that will make you work harder, workaholic, perfectionist, less depression, and blaming yourself or others if your target is not achieved.
In addition, the expectations and demands of others that are too high will also be weighing down your life. Try to realize that there is no something which will run perfect persons. Try to set targets and realistic expectations of yourself and others.
Your life is a success, had a high office, healthy families, the kids are cute, and good friends, but why Yes you are still often angry for no reason and feel unhappy persons? Why your life unhappy?
1. low self confidence
There are just things that can make you not confident, regardless of appearance, jobs, etc. Low confidence could eliminate your true happiness. Because when you do not love and respect yourself, you're not going to really enjoy life and happy with the various things that are done. Can-can you always think of a negative-minded people or waffle about yourself.
2. the Avenger
Do a mistake is a very human trait. However, when someone did wrong to you, do not you should be mendendam. Anger, hatred, to revenge can make you feel depressed, stressed, anxious, and always thought of scheming for revenge. Someone who let her keep the rage and revenge to those who had hurt him will never feel happy.
To get happiness in life, we recommend you do not grudge to anyone and forgive him. Naturally, just angry, but do not hold a grudge.
3. Too workaholic
You may have specific targets and is eager to achieve that desire. But being a workaholic is not the right way. Workaholism can make you unable to enjoy any process you are going through. Instead of being able to hit a target, you're even more stressed and unable to enjoy life. No matter as much and as hard as what you are working, you should have time for me time and rest.
Insert schedule me time in your calendar, because life is too short to spend just to work. Give a little fun in your busy life in order to be happier. Life is more happy and relaxed instead so you can be a lot of ideas to achieve the target of your work. Though hard work and a workaholic can make you fast rising Office and got a lot of money, doesn't mean you're happy. Money can't buy happiness isn't it?
4. Too perfectionist
Being a perfectionist can be a good thing. Perfectionist helps you to achieve higher targets and better results than expected. It's just that sometimes you love to give a less realistic targets for yourself. This is not realistic targets that will make you work harder, workaholic, perfectionist, less depression, and blaming yourself or others if your target is not achieved.
In addition, the expectations and demands of others that are too high will also be weighing down your life. Try to realize that there is no something which will run perfect persons. Try to set targets and realistic expectations of yourself and others.