A great way to get a good haircut

A great way to get a good haircut

However, as we know, often finding the right hairstyle isn't as easy as that. To ensure that you do not end up with a case of the wrong cut or wrong model, then follow some of the tips here.

Search for a salon or a piece that is famous for good.

The first thing that you should pursue surely is a good cut. If you see your buddy nice haircuts, then don't be shy to ask who cut his hair.

Do not select a salon or home builders cut just because the price is cheap or places nearby. You better pay a little bit more expensive or go further, if it is in place, you can get a haircut with maximum results.

Do not depending on the photo or hair model in the magazine.

Although the example shows haircuts through photos or images is the easiest way to reveal a hairstyle You want, but it does not mean that you always fit with the model.

After you show the target of haircut, then ask for the opinion of a piece, is roughly in the shape of your face now, the pieces can look good. If less snugly, then let builders cut You made it so that it can seem fitting in your face with a slight modification of their skills. 

Avoid reading a magazine when the hair is cut.

Believe it or not, a Chair in a salon is not a fit for you to read these tabloid-gossip tabloid. Because in addition to being able to make the balance of the body so labile, resulting from moving here and there, you also need to keep the position of the head remains stable and straight.

Avoid also the use of cellphones or fold the legs when sitting to get hair cuts best balance thanks to the symmetrical position of the body when cut.

Don't talk too much.

A lot of women complain because the pieces of her hair is not as he would like, there are flaws here and there. And, they tend to claim that it is due to the cut butchers less expert. In fact, it could have happened as a result of a mistake yourself that might be too much to say or ask hair stylish while he was working.

Why not actually if you ask every now and then on a piece, but if it is too much to ask, then the concentration of a cut can be compromised, and as a result any haircut so no maximum. 

Give a clear explanation.

"How do you want to cut your hair?"

"3 cm"

The above explanation is not clear enough to describe the haircut you want. Because perceptions between clients and the cut of the hair models can be different. So, to say in detail what you want for your hair, for example shortened by 3 cm, with the layer on the side, plus the addition of the bangs.

Accept yourself.

It talks about how diligent and painstaking to styling your hair. There are women who willingly spend long time to caring for and styling your hair, however there are not. You have to be honest and accept yourself.

Ask yourself, does your new haircut takes a long time or a moment to set it up?

Do you ' could ' maintain Your new hair cut? If Yes, then continue your intention to get the hairstyle. However, if not, then look for hairstyles that suits Your level of diligence.
Note the recommended product or offer.

It's not surprising when most salon and himself as a souvenir. The offer could be flowing when you come there to buy or use a variety of products that are traded by them, especially when the hair and your scalp is quite problematic.

However, keep in mind, that you don't have to yes all their bids. Selective in choosing the products they offer, especially when Your pockets are slim. If everything doesn't suit you, then there is no harm if you bring your own hair care products owned by myself.

Give it time for a new one.

May initially shock and felt less comfortable for you while find that model your hair completely changed. However, give it time, at least a week for yourself to conform to new pieces.

The opinions of others can make you confused, because there could be some praise, but there is also a protest.

If during the week ahead you remain uncomfortable and less like your latest haircut, then immediately contact Maytag cut you to get other new pieces.

Of course, this applies if your hair is long enough to cut again. If not, then please wait for some time until the hair stretches and can be makeovers again. 

Express disappointment with the right.

Model your hair at all is as you would expect. Instead of complaining and blaming builders cut, then it is better to look for a solution.

If you still want it fix your hair, then clearly reveal details you want. However, when it is not, the head of the place with polite, and look for another salon. Do not return to the hairdresser or handyman cut that according to the experience You couldn't satisfy you.

However, keep in mind that the accident happened whatsoever is not a personal attack should be exaggerated, it's just a matter of wrong cut or technical error.

If it could not be repaired in the near future ...

Who have never experienced such thing as a wrong cut?! Probably almost everyone on this earth has ever experienced it. Make the experience as an experience that makes you more willing to face the outside world.

Try picking the plus side. Maybe you rarely appear with short hair, you can also create and modify the hair. You never know if you don't try it?!

Rather than complaining, thank and grateful for this experience as one of the funniest experiences in the history of your life.
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