1. Familiar Myself with my friend
Get to know friends lover can benefit you. In addition to prevent it to lie, you can also get info about your beloved from them. Therefore, try to live in a relationship, you are not the only closer with a lover, but also his friends.
2. she should know the consequences of having an affair
Give the threat is not just to prevent it from having an affair. For example, You said it would come to her house while grumpy or were spread on Twitter and Facebook, you should tell him the consequences of that are more tangible. For example, say if he's having an affair would be hurting your heart. Her marital infidelity can also make you feel may not be the same again with him so you choose to end the relationship.
3. Treat with Menus
For men, infidelity is not always about pretty women and sex, most of it about his ego. It is no wonder, handsome man who has an affair with a beautiful lover can women who are his performances. It happened because men love it if they worshipped and praised. A small compliment from you can be very meaningful for him and adds to her confidence.
4. Give the distance
Always with him and follow wherever he goes is not a great way to keep the affair remain harmonious. This fact makes him not happy with you. So, keep giving the distance and let him/her go with friends. So too with you, keep fussing so he knows you too can have fun without it.
5. keep your beauty
As time goes by You along with the pair weaves you may look beautiful in front of him was no longer ignored. In fact, if your loved one does not want to move to another heart, keeping their appearance remains beautiful and attractive nonetheless needs to be at stake.
6. Flirting
Keep should be seduction and temptation to couples. Keeping the romance romantic life will always warm the relationship the two of you. Do romantic dating and varied so that the relationship was not bland.
7. give Support
Supports every activity he does. If he wants to try new things, you don't have to allow it quite the contrary provides full support for him. So the he will feel more confident against him and he was so much more accustomed to always open with you.