Everyone has a bad habit. And most of them had trouble to stop it. Even some who do it without realizing it. That is, it has become a reflex movement for them.
That is the first step to ward off the bad habit is admitting that you do things that are not good. Confess all his doings you can get people around annoyed. Here are strategies to cut her off from.
1. nail-biting
James Claiborn, Ph.d., author of The Habit Change Workbook: How to Break Bad Habits and Form Good Ones, suggest to always identifying any events before you start biting. If you start to pull the hand toward mouth, immediately make a fist with your hand for a few minutes. Well, if you make make progress change this behavior, treat yourself to a manicure.
2. Ring knuckles
Sometimes not only cracked his knuckles, neck bones could have been, or Your teeth. While you may love the sensation, but honor those who hear her pain. Dr. Claiborn recommends to rely on "competing behavior". Like punching the Palm of the other. Make a note of any progress you do by changing the habits of the other. When you relapse, remember-remember back the reason you do it. By knowing why you do it, will help you to focus on stopping the habit while stuck in a condition that makes you want to ring the knuckles.
3. making sounds of chewing gum
Again, you might really enjoy those voices, but it could be annoy those who hear it. The solution to this is to avoid the habit of chewing gum. Don't ever touch it again. For if there's gum in your mouth, it will be difficult to resist the temptation. If you feel the loss of a unpleasant activities without gum, start breathing deeply and relaxing exercises. On the other hand, if the reason you chew gum to freshen the breath, just replace candy with mint.
4. sleep without cleaning the face
Often fatigue to instantly fall asleep, slumbering and often skip the rituals of cleansing the face? The solution is cleansing wipes. "Just Put tissue facial cleanser beside the bed, so at least you can remove make-up before you fell asleep," saran Yael Varnado, MD, who answered health questions on AskDoctorV.com. Or create a calming ritual before. Like arriving from home play soothing music and start using the facial products, cleansers and moisturizers your Favorites. Need more motivation to remove makeup at night? Sleep with it in can cause acne and wrinkles, because the skin around the eye dries You.
5. love to interrupt the
You may just want to share my thoughts, but if other people are talking, you should still listen. Disrespectful bypass people talk, you will sound like a rude. "Just Focus on listening," said Dr. Varnado. The more sharply you hear someone, the less you will feel the urge to menyelak. "If the speaker did pause to take a breath or collect his thoughts, do not use it as a window for talks," he added. Instead, breathe deeply, count to ten in your head and ponder who is said to be the speaker.
6. Noisy when packed
You realize the love to make noise while eating, but not sure how to do it. Try just record yourself to find out what kind of sound or noise do you impact while eating. Whether the voices of small saltpeter, berdehem, or make a sucking sound with your tongue. Find a specific voice helps you focus on solutions. That way you can control it. For example with chewed slower, chewing with small pieces or focus to keep your mouth closed while eating.
7. it is often too late
Conquer this habit requires a strong motivation. So the opinion of Ken Lindner, author of Your Killer Emotions. This requires a strong commitment from within you. Ask yourself some of the following questions: do you respect other people's time? Or do you want to be considered as a wise person and professional? When you decide to change, start by visualizing your arrival on 5-10 minutes earlier than the working hours. Or try to write down the promise came 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
8. a peek at the phone
If you're in the BBM 's, do you have the reflex to peek and read. Stop! These actions violate their privacy! Imagine how you would react to someone who is spying on your private chat on mobile. The embarrassment likely will urge you to stop this behavior. If that's not enough, start registering to the site that help change bad habits such as HabitForge.com, which sends an email every day to check your progress.
9. talking loudly on a cell phone
Consider the things that may happen if your conversations leaked to the wrong people. Another bad scenario talks you suddenly posted on Facebook or Twitter. Whether you will lose clients large or intimate relationship? When you are in a public place, you don't know who might be listening to or arrange the pieces of your conversation. Remind yourself to always take a call in a bit more private spaces away and keep your voice.
10. easy anxiety
If you are a person who likes to moving feet, hands or walking while pacing restlessly, it also often gives rise to inconvenience people around. "Ease my thoughts can be valued as a sign of weakness," said Lindner. To cope with it quite easily, if you stand, just imagine Your hand or foot body stiffness was unable to move. If you sit at the table, put your hands on your knees under the table or folding it over the surface. Then concentrate on not moving or moving the body.