Knowing that there are women who are approaching your lover and attempting to ' steal it ' is the thing that sucks. What if the ' thief ' is a friend of your own, or someone who is known and know about your relationship with the beloved.
Stunned, angry, annoyed to hate will surely haunt the mind. However, you are not advised to act rashly and angry-angry. To resolve this issue with emotions that explosiveness can instead be self-defeating. There are some clever ways to confront the tempter with way more smart and elegant, with ' peace ' with him. How do you do? Watch the trick are cited from the All Women Stalk.
1. don't take away
The emotions came suddenly because considering his behaviour is indeed sometimes always makes You are involuntary said rude and pretentious in his face. However, the first step that you can do to come to terms with it is avoiding pretentious while talking, especially to your loved one.
There is no reason to point a finger to anyone, especially if you do not have enough evidence to suggest other that woman have been teasing lover. If you are still in the stage of not convinced with what's going on, avoid scold your lover and stop blame him. That's not only going to make him feel accused, but it will also give rise to problems that even bigger.
2. Observations
If you feel there is someone who is trying to ' steal ' lover, you should begin to see some signs. If he is indeed teasing your lover? The most important is, does your lover responds to return persuasion? Whether the woman always appear when you both? If he always tries to be in certain places are suddenly just to provoke a conversation with your loved one, take note of the reaction of what your partner is shown to him. When he responded to the new, take action with smooth and courteous are rebuked him, but firmly.
3. making friends
Rather hard indeed, but, try to be friendly with the woman. Try to talk and know him more closely. That way, you will know exactly what is happening and take a stand. You can also raise your opinion openly and gauge her reaction. When he finally realized his mistake with, then all will be fine. But if he insists on what it does and considers it ' legitimate ', then start to react by giving him a warning.
4. the Face
If you have already begun to feel uneasy with the presence of the seducer women, it doesn't hurt to deal with it and try to talk to him. Make casual conversation and exchange ideas, while the occasional slip the same case if positioned him.
5. take a Stance
Sometimes when someone is trying to get something he wants, he will be determined to do whatever it takes. Including women who will ' steal ' your loved one. If you feel he's outrageous, it's time You take a stand. Collect some evidence, and show it to your lover.
6. understand the
One way to make peace with someone who was trying to take your loved one is trying to understand it. The woman who came in the middle of a pair of lovers and tried to ruin it is women who are having problems. Keep control of the situation.
7. Trust
Regardless of whether there is someone who is trying to ' steal ' your lover or not, you have to believe in the relationship. And, the most important is the believe that the beloved only love you. A relationship without trust is futile. Don't let outsiders corrupting relationship that's been good.
When you encounter a situation where there is someone who is trying to steal your lover, keep in mind that there are way more classy than the accused without evidence.