The Usual Reason to Suspend the Pair Had Hurled at Children

the usual reason to suspend the pair had hurled at children
 After getting married, not all couples planning to have children soon. A few other couples admitted that they put off having children because of several reasons. Usually, they are more focused on career and job Center held, thus delaying children has been one reason that needs to be done even though age is no longer young.

As reported by on sheknows, some reason that always leveled at the couple to postpone having children is as follows:

1. spend lots of time with spouse

The main reason other than career for couples who want to postpone having children is like to spend more time with your spouse. Typically, couples who want to enjoy this time as two more while plotting the future of his family before it was really ready with the presence of the child in their midst. In addition, a moment like this is also often used in pairs for mutual opening up in order for the couple to know more personal and habits with each other.

2. more stable Financial

In addition to wanting to spend more time with a partner for mutual personal habit and tofu, another reason couples delay having children is to stabilize the finances of the family. According to Barbara Neitlich, a psychotherapist, "Have first a more stable job so you have a more stable financial condition. If you delay having children, meaning that you can set aside money for your baby's needs. "

3. ask yourself

A marriage and family therapist, Sharon O'Neill, Gilchrest provides some questions for couples before finally deciding to have children:
  • If you are having financial problems?
  • Whether to have a child will make a difference for you and your partner in career?
  • Do you agree?
  • Do you both have a commitment about the child?
  • Do you have emotional or psychological reasons for having children? For example, having a child will improve the quality of your marriage?
  • Do you enjoy and are ready to have a new role as a parent?
  • Are you going to accept medical intervention if it turns out you can't get pregnant?

4. Prepare yourself

Decided to delay having children with an excuse to prepare themselves in order to be better prepared and cooked in the care of the child is an appropriate reason. This will be advantageous for you because it can make you more confident and ready to welcome the arrival of the child in the midst of a new family.

5. no rush

According to Garcia-Nerina Arcement, Ph.d, women are not supposed to always feel a rush to have children because of her having had children first, "having a child is going to change everything. So, adjourn to have it is not wrong because in doing so you will be ready for the emotional and psychic. "
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