The changes that occur in the brain when falling in love

The changes that occur in the brain when falling in love

You may be surprised by the behaviour of someone who is willing to leave his career or just for the sake of love. But experts are starting to unravel the mystery of why people fall in love can behave irrationally, giddy, until the ridiculous.

As reported by the Daily Mail, technology helps experts study the nerves in the brain when a person falls in love. They then mapped the chemical changes that occur and observe the parts of the brain that are active or dead for days when one dimabuk romance.

More than that, the researchers also found the why of it all makes someone who fell in love with being constantly restless. For more details, refer to the reviews about the part in the brain that happens when you fall in love.

The frontal cortex
This section is responsible for making decisions and judge something or someone. But when fall in love, the frontal cortex is shut down by the brain. According to Polish Zeki of University College London, there are many parts of the brain are active when you dimabuk romance. But large areas of the brain is in fact dead, but its nature is important in assessing certain things.

Zeki believe the demise of the frontal cortex occur due to biological purpose, for example, facilitate the Affairs of reproduction. That's the reason why people fall in love hard to see the error of her.

The brain also pointed out areas of the brain that controls fear and other negative emotions were dead. That's why falling in love will always make you look happy.

The influence of hormones
Falling in love also makes hormones dopamine increases sharply. Dopamine itself is the key to someone who enjoys pain as well as complete customer satisfaction at the same time. This hormone is associated with passion, addiction, euphoria, and unyielding properties when pursuing love.

A test also showed cocaine had the same effects as dopamine. While increased dopamine production influence serotonin, a hormone that improves mood and appetite.

High levels of serotonin are also commonly found in people who have obsessive-compulsive disorder. That is why love makes you anxious and nervous. While the pounding, sweaty feeling cold, and dry mouth caused by the hormones adrenaline.

Other hormones that out while falling in love is the same as when you fear. This means that love can make You feel excited and scared. Especially if you live a forbidden love.

The obsession of love
Now psychologists trying to understand why obsessed in love can be hazardous. Cause some people to have to be a stalker just by paying attention to their beloved ones.

"Feeling love like snowballs for the stalker. The habit of following a loved one turned into a mental disorder and make him fantasize. Unfortunately we still do not know much of what caused this, "Frank Dr David Nias, a psychologist.

But Dr. Nias also stated if there is a way to cure the disorder. Because all the excessive did no good, including falling in love. Agree?
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