Blackhead is quite disturbing for the skin. The skin may actually be even smoother so rough like a hedgehog. Blackheads are more experienced on the skin of the face, such as the nose, the upper part of the cheeks, around the mouth and Chin. While using makeup, advance so dont really because the effects posed by blackheads.
What is a blackhead anyway? Let's find out by reading 4 the fact blackheads.
1. the factors that cause blackheads
Blackheads are caused by skin oil or dead skin cells which accumulate excessively in the pores. It could also be because we little regard for cleanliness of the face so that impurities accumulate in the pores.
2. Unlike Blackheads acne
Although trapped in pores, blackheads are not inflamed like acne. However, blackheads can be a cause of acne when experiencing infection.
3. Blackheads should not push
Some people ' hobbies ' clears blackheads with push because it has a bit of an exciting taste sensations. But how this could make enlarged pores, and like orange peel. Better to use pore pack or a cleaning scrub blackheads for cleaner and use plain water to shrink pores.
4. the blackhead can be avoided
You can prevent blackheads with consuming food vegetable and fruit that is still fresh. Drinking plenty of water can also help balance the skin's moisture.
By knowing the 4 facts easy and short on top, you can treat skin better and avoid the stubborn blackheads. Good luck.