Oily skin make many women feel restless and should more often patting paper oil on the face. Unfortunately, the condition of oily faces that make a lot of women think there is no longer wearing a moisturizer. In fact, not just dry skin that needs extra moisturizer.
Annet King, Director of education for a Global Demalogica advise that you who have oily skin to stay put on moisturizer. Whatever your skin type, you have the opportunity to experience dehydration, especially in hot weather, cool temperatures, working in air conditioned rooms and so on. "Dehydration, lack of water and the dry skin due to lack of genetic skin sebum and lipids are different conditions," explanation of Annet King. "Oily skin needs the right moisturizer, you could opt for oil-free moisturizer," she continued.
Types of moisturizers you can choose is made of water. If your skin is oily and breakouts are included, use a moisturizer containing deflated or deterrent inflammation on acne, such as salicylic acid, zinc alginate or tea tree. Some facial cleansers or toners containing alcohol can make the face of coarse wool, but avoid if your face breakouts. Because alcohol which initially makes dry acne acne gets worse make it next. Alcohol use can also make the face more oily.
So there is no longer afraid of wearing a moisturizer if your face breakouts. Also make sure the moisture your skin from within, that is by consuming enough water every day and a lot of eating fresh fruit.