Tips Overcoming Dependency Of Technology

Tips Overcoming Dependency Of Technology

A lot of research that shows the negative impact of technology addiction. Starting from tired eyes to radiation exposure. Then how do I reduce addicted to technology?

As quoted from the international Prevention, a number of studies show that cell phone radiation be bad for the human body. The radiation can increase the risk of developing tumors of the ear, brain cancer and reduce your sperm count up to 30 percent.

In addition to mobile phones, computer screens or laptop also give negative effects on one's health, especially the eyes. Focus on the monitor screen for too long can cause eye strain and fatigue. The computer screen display too bright can also accelerate fatigue on eyes.

Therefore, it's good if you reduce the use of technology. According to Larry Rosen, PhD, author of ' iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming Its Hold on Us ', you do not need to get rid of the gadgets forever, but do some tips below:

1. create a Limitation
Bring your smartphone wherever you go will stimulate the brain to always look at it. Dr. Rosen suggested to make a break from the ' schedule ' technology. For example, put the mobile phone with the mode ' silent ' when you're eating dinner, and just about to look back when you're done eating. Knowing that you are going to check out mobile activities reme, will make the mind calm and no more obsessive.

2. Go Green
According to Dr. Rosen, the brain is constantly bothered by the negative effects of technology can affect sleep quality to the level of productivity in the Office.

"Stay away from your brain from impaired it by doing a 15-minute stroll in the Park, or see a book containing photos of the scene," advice.

3. Find your pleasure
your iphone has a function as a stimulus to the brain, which increases the hormones ' pleased ' with dopamine review it continuously so as to make You addicted. Dr. Rosen suggested to train the brain to do other activities that make you happy. For example, cycling, painting or window shopping, cooking, and instead of checking my mobile every time.
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