Overcoming Elbow and Knee naturally black to white

Overcoming Elbow and Knee naturally black to white

all women must have been like to have a skin color. But the latest survey results show that more than 70 percent of the women Indonesia have striped skin aka is not the same in one corner and the other corner. Differences in colors that often happens is part of the knee and the elbow out of the hands of more black than other areas.


Here are some of the causes of skin elbows and knees black:

The skin has the oil glands, the glands that make the skin look moist, fresh and far from dry. But the elbows and the knees are a part of the skin which contains only a few oil glands. It makes your knees and elbows are easily looked dull and dead skin cells accumulate there.
All parts of the skin has pigment or substances that make the bright yellow color of the skin, or the skin is ripe sapodilla fruit. The more pigment on the skin, the darker the area. The knees and elbows are usually have more pigment than other areas.
The elbows and knees often receive more pressure than other parts of the skin (especially elbows). When you sit down, it's usually the elbow will sustain in the handle seats and so on. The more often the elbow supports, the thicker the resulting skin as the skin's natural protection. Another example is the ankles, if you often sit cross-legged, then Your ankles will be blackened.


There are several natural ingredients that you can use to troubleshoot the elbow and knee are black. These Tips not to do all in one time, adjust to the needs of Your elbows and knees.
  1. If you feel the skin of the elbow or the knee ulit thicken, when taking a bath (after using SOAP and rinse the body), dampen the elbows, and wipe gently with a pumice stone or a special sponge to remove dead skin cells. Do it gently and slowly, so that the skin does not flush and wounds. Then rinse.
  2. After you have finished bathing, do not forget the greasing of the elbow and knee with a more solid lotion (body butter). Or You could also apply the olive oil as a natural ingredients to keep skin moist elbows and knees.
  3. For a natural scrub, mix salt and the juice of lemon water with compositions that you can customize to form a natural scrub gently worn. Scrub the elbows and knees with gentle motion then rinse. Grain of salt is a natural scrub gently. Lemon juice is a natural skin lightening.
  4. Grated turmeric water, take a DAB on the elbows and knees. Let stand 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Turmeric is a natural ingredient for brightening the skin.
  5. You can also make the tomato juice, take the water then apply it on the elbows and knees to percolate. Tomatoes are also a natural ingredients to lighten dark skin.
  6. That's some natural ways to address the problem of elbows and knees are black. Good luck:)
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