Men do not like, 5 words from the woman

Men do not like, 5 words from the woman

In the weaves romance, bickering and dissent is often inevitable. It's certainly a reasonable thing, but how we should they do, is paramount.

There are things that you should never discussed when the relationship is being tightened. Generally men hate if his lover had the five sentences. Pertaining to it in the debate will only destroy your relationship. The following five sentences ' forbidden ', as quoted from the Times of India.

1. Ye Children Mama
Most men are indeed loved her mother and generally obey what their mother said. In fact, there are some men who are looking for the type of women who have a resemblance to their mother to be lovers. Even so, the men hate if called ' mama ' especially if it out of his mouth. Say your child basic ' mama ' will only give rise to ' disaster ' in the affair.

Not only men, but almost everyone tends to be sensitive with a discussion of their parents. Therefore, avoid carrying around a topic of conversation about her mother while chatting. Especially if it's something negative.

2. Base your friends it's Yes!
Women are generally less like men against the fanaticism of sports and hobbies they gathered with his friends late into the night. Especially if the friend he gave a bad influence, such as drinking alcohol or frequently invites staying up every night and with a motor convoy out of town. Any Sekesal You with his friends, preferably never bad-mouth them in front of the lovers.

Arguably, friendship and romance are two different worlds for them. He did not expect the world to intervene one world to another. Most men hate it if had to leave her friends just to focus on her lover. So, as long as it doesn't harm you and your lover, let him/her enjoy a ' me time ' with friends.

3. You have always Been this way
Before you say it, remember that you fall in love with her because of some quality that is on him. True love is not love people are perfect, but learn to accept the lack of a partner. Every time you want to criticizing the nature or his habit, avoid using sentences like the one above. It would be better if you replace it with, ' maybe you can once in a while when you have not promise ', or ' better we don't increase the problem in the past '.

4. we need to Talk
' Oh no! Not again! ' Maybe it will be flashed to mind lover when you say three words. ' Let's talk ' often regarded the men as a sign that they're in serious trouble. Men generally hate drama. So if you need to talk about something important, directly toward the problems and not rambling. Communication is the most important thing when your relationship is in trouble. But using words as above could meant a threat by him/her. Should ask to meet in a restaurant or cafe and speak from the heart to the heart.

5. the origin of the Idea, The Former Never do this
Don't ever compare to your ex lover. This is the most sensitive topic and is better avoided. The man already hate the fact that her lover had been dating other people. He didn't need to be reminded especially compared to people who have past meals with you.

Carry around a former lover in a new relationship, it means you've invited ' the war '. Compare him with the former lover will hurt his ego, and it will be remember for a long time, even forever. You surely don't want to if he is to say, ' why don't you go back to your former there?! ' In any relationship, it is very important to accept and appreciate someone for what they are instead of forcing change and so others.
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