less affection turns out to be the cause of dating men older women

less affection turns out to be the cause of dating men older women

Reportedly, an affectionate guy who is less a mother choose dating older women in order to find the figure of the mother of his partner. It is recognized by Zoya Amirin, a sexual psychologist well-known in Indonesia. Zoya explained that lack of affection MOM makes men choose the older pair.

"If women there father issue if men too there mother issue, her mother's lack of affection," said Zoya found by wolipop in Senayan City not long ago.

However, choosing the older pair for lack of compassion not only occurs in men. There are some women who also experienced Sugar Daddy Syndrome or the lack of a father figure. It is experienced by vessels is known as Leny, a 25 year old woman who claims to be comfortable when dealing with older men.

According to Leny who was born the age of thirteen with his partner, he felt comfortable with love weaves an older man because it missed being a father. "Even though dad is still there, but do not close so I so prefer older guys the same as father figure search," reveals that the best female Leny conversed with over the phone.

Leny several times already in a relationship with a much older man and their relationship longer than going out with a guy her age under the woman's birth June 14, 1987.

As a sexologist, Zoya said that the growth of the affection of the convenience will influence the sex life of both. "When you can have sex, but it could be better quality,"
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