Avoid foods and Drinks It when a sore throat

Avoid foods and Drinks It when a sore throatWeather changes often marked by the arrival of several ailments, including a sore throat. Usually a sore throat is also accompanied by a cough. Drink herbal tea or cough medicine may be able to heal the pain on this one.

But keep in mind, there are some foods and beverages that you're supposed to avoid. For example, a cup of hot coffee can make you more comfortable, but can aggravate a sore throat. As quoted from Boldsky, these are some of the foods and beverages you should avoid when the pains of the throat.

1. acidic food
Eat acidic like citrus fruits, pickles, lemon juice or tamarind candy can make your throat becomes more itchy and painful. Also avoid foods that contain a lot of vinegar or vinegar.

2. spicy foods
When throat feel pain, it's no longer eating spicy foods and spices. Chilli, nutmeg, clove, black pepper or other spices that may harm a sore throat.

3. dairy products
Many people have suggested to drink a glass of warm chocolate milk to relieve a sore throat. But in fact, dairy products exacerbate pain bis on the throat. Therefore avoid food or drinking made from milk.

4. dry food
Not only make my throat more sore, dry food is also usually more difficult to be swallowed. Avoid eating nuts, crackers and other food packaging. It's good You eat meals that are soft and contain the water to make it more easily swallowed and does not cause pain.

5. Caffeine
A warm cup of coffee can make your throat feels better, but it's only temporary. After that, it's usually the throat becomes more itching and pain. Better than coffee, try herbal teas such as ginger tea warm. Drinking with warm water to avoid itching.

6. Alcohol
Drinks like rum and brandy can make the body feels warm in the rainy season as it is today. But unfortunately, this drink can thus aggravate the State of your throat is sore. Avoid consuming alcohol, if you want to cure a sore throat.
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