7 ways to treat Flu and coughs at no cost

7 ways to treat Flu and coughs at no cost
Entering the rainy season, it's no wonder if the flu so more often experienced. Many people cope with ang taking antibiotic drugs or other drugs. But did you know that there is some other way that is quite unique but can help overcome swine flu.
Here are 7 unique ways of overcoming the flu and coughs as reported by the

1. Hear Jazz music

The research found that listening to jazz music for 30 minutes increases the Immunoglobulin A (IgA) who is immune proteins to protect the body from infection. According to naturopathic doctor Jean-Jacques Dugoua, IgA is housed in the mucosa is a hindrance to the nose, mouth, throat, and other areas of the body and serve as antibodies that prevent viruses.

2. Wear Wet Socks

Although it sounds strange, but according to Dr. Leslie Solomonian wear wet socks while sleeping can increase the immunity of the body. The way to do so is wading socks in cold water, then wear on both your feet and lightly coat again with socks made from wool. According to Dr. Solomonian, socks cold stimulates the body's circulation to the legs, get rid of congestion from the head, and regulate the immune response.

3. gentle exercise

According to Dr. Dugoua, mild exercise can produce anti-inflammatory effect (can eliminate inflammation not caused by infection) and then reduces the risk of infection. Mild exercise can also increase body temperature that serves to enhance the immune response. If you're lazy workout, drink tea which can produce sweat like peppermint tea, yarrow, catnip, or the equally serves to raise the temperature of the body.

4. consumption of Chocolate

Chocolate contains theobromine, which are components that suppress the activity of the nerves that cause cough. However the content of sugar can weaken the immune system, therefore konsumsilah dark chocolate that does not contain sugar. If you like the taste less bitter chocolate, you can add honey.

5. Onions

Onions can prevent the flu because it is antimicrobial, especially in raw condition. In addition, the onion also contains a lot of sulfur that helps immune function and detoxification. Consume raw onions with cough syrup or shaped Cook onions in chicken broth or vegetables

6. consumption of Oysters

Oysters are rich in the mineral zinc, which plays a role in regulating the function of white blood cells that can fight off viruses and bacteria. According to Dr. Dugoua, oysters are the best sources of zinc. If you are a vegetarian, You can consume foods that contain wheat, nuts, or supplements.

7. a glass of coconut water

While flu and fevers the body loses a lot of fluids, for that body fluids must be replaced again by consuming food or drink containing electrolytes. According to Dr. Dugoua, coconut water is a good source of electrolytes. In addition to coconut water, electrolytes can also be obtained from the salt, and bananas.
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