7 Tips to prevent Snoring while sleeping

7 Tips to prevent Snoring while sleepingAccording to the study, 45 percent of adults snore when sleeping. According to the specialists who deal with snoring Daniel p. Slaughter, these problems can interfere with the respiratory system during sleep and can enhance the cause of heart disease.

Even Slaughter says, snoring can also cause problems in the marriage. Of course it could happen because couples can feel disturbed. Then what should be done to overcome snoring? The following tips that may help You as summarised from Web MD.

1. change the position of Sleep
Sleep on your back position makes the tongue and palate to move to the back wall of the throat that causes the sound of the
snoring while sleeping. To prevent it, Slaughter recommends that you change the position of sleep become skewed and can be assisted with a long pillow covers your entire body.

According to experts on the treatment of sleep problems Sudhansu Chokroverty, tennis balls placed behind Your sleep can also help you to avoid sleeping on your back. The second alternative is to try to sleep lying down with head position up (Chin lifted). How can pave the road respiratory tract with good, however this position can cause pain in the neck. If ways can be helpful, they are not consult to the doctor.

2. reduce Weight
If you are experiencing weight gain and started snoring whereas before no, maybe that's what causes you to snore. Reduce weight to be the right solution. According to Slaughter, weight gain especially around the neck area to make the diameter of the throat narrows so giving rise to noise during sleep.

3. avoid Alcohol
Alcohol and tranquilizers can reduce muscle working the back of the throat optimally so that cause someone snoring. According to Chokroverty, drank alcohol four or five hours before bedtime make dengkuran become harder and people who don't normally snore snore will after drinking alcohol.

4. get enough sleep
Working in a long time and sleep in a short time makes you feel exhausted during sleep and eventually trigger snoring. According to Slaughter, when you fell asleep with a sense of tired muscles, the body does not work properly causing

5. a warm bath
If nasal congestion due to cold or flu, was the turn of fast-moving air can trigger snoring. To resolve it, wash it with hot water before going to bed and wash your nose.

6. Change Pillowcases
Allergies are caused by dust and dirt stuck to the pillow can cause you to snore. To that end, keep Your cushions clean with frequent change pillowcases and wash it regularly.

7. drink plenty
According to Slaughter, the secretion that occurs in the nose so it thickens if you lack body fluids and can result in snoring. According to the Institute of Medicine, healthy women should be drank 11 glasses of water per day while the men are advised to drink 4 glasses of water per day.
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