8 Beauty Advice you need to know

8 Beauty Advice you need to know

Never heard of beauty advice-advice from MOM or Grandma? Turns out not all that true. There is some beauty advice, that if a little longer with logic, actually just make us laugh.

From beauty myth below, which one is most often you hear?
Here's A Beauty Advice You Need To Know:

1. soak can cure acne

In fact, Sun too long can harm your skin. Especially when you are not wearing sunblock, the skin can sunburn and irritation.

2. most chocolates make acne

To date this has not been proven to be chocolate and other foods into the causes of the emergence of acne. Some doctors believe that a bacterial be the cause.

Want to cure acne on the face, better consult a doctor expert. Keep clean the face, as well as drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.

3. tie the hair makes long hair fast

Perhaps grandmother or your mother never told you, often tying long hair makes hair fast. Obviously this is just a myth, hair growth is not determined by the style that is used.

Lush hair and healthy as well as be sure his nutritional needs are likely to grow faster.

4. do not wear cosmetics brand varies

It used to be, when it's put on A brand of powder, lipstick and others should also mark a. said when mixed can make problematic skin because it does not fit.

It's also just a myth why, ladies. Though they have different ingredients, its functions are also different kok. And everything was estimated by experts, so it's not going to bring up problems if used simultaneously. Exception did you experience any allergies due to one of its chemical ingredients.

5. don't shave the hairs away, later more and more dense

Shear legs won't make his fur grows more dense. Certainly if done regularly, the feathers on the legs it will disappear.

If you then feel it grows in dense, it is because he looks clean without feathers. To that end, at least a week once do regular epilation if he begins to grow.

6. comb out 100 times in order for healthy hair

Not have to comb out 100 times how to have healthy hair. Important You diligently care for and provide the nutrients enough so that the hair remains beautiful, dense and soft.

Keep the moisture with the hair-care rooms, hairspa or hairmask is also important.

7. do not often crossed my legs, varicose veins can

Varicose veins certainly will make legs so not pretty anymore. For that grandmother told me we should not cross your legs. Well, in fact the legs can cause tingling because less blood circulation smoother. But it was not until causes varicose veins . Varicose veins are generally caused because there is a legacy of genetikal, smoking habit, standing too long or the effects of pregnancy.

8. can deflated toothpaste acne

Don't just put anything on acne is inflamed. Including applying toothpaste that he said could make it deflated.

Some whitening toothpaste contains ingredients which can even aggravate inflammation in acne. The heat also acne is not caused by toothpaste being against bacteria, but rather the content of menthol found in toothpaste.
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