Whether you are interested in the extreme facial care products? Maybe it's time You try some of these products.
During this time, you may only know a few substances that can enhance the beauty of your skin. Lemon, Aloe Vera, or rose essence may be common. However, who would have thought if there is a face care products that contain magical as below.
Breast Milk (BREAST MILK)
As quoted in Dailymail, outside the country, Breast Milk has indeed been taken for commercial use in organic stores. BREAST MILK contains natural ingredients and it is safe to be used as a beauty product.
Substances contained in breast milk is claimed to be able to smooth and soften, can even become replacement dairy cows and goats that are commonly used for skin care products.
Dirt worms
Perhaps this sounds disgusting, but the shit that comes out of the body of the worm have an anti-aging substance is very strong. This product is often used for people whose skin is sensitive on certain chemical substances.
Snake venom
Specific snake venom contains a substance called Syn-ake who is said to have a natural version of botox. Content of amino acids in the snake venom can paralyze signal on nerves so that facial muscles become tense. As a result, wrinkles on the face can be prevented