The cause of the people are afraid to switch jobs

The cause of the people are afraid to switch jobs

When you want to develop a career in a different field than ever before, is not an easy issue. Some employees do not even dare to do it.

Switch profession is actually a good thing to develop careers. In addition to being able to have a broader experience, you can also contribute to pour all its capabilities. Quoted from Forbes, there are several reasons why people are afraid to transform careers. Just about anything? Check out here.

1. because of the time
The time was one of the issues of why people are afraid to switch professions. So, before You've invested so much time in building a career.

2. the Ego
The Ego in themselves will also say that during this time you have the trouble to be as successful as it is today. So it's no wonder that many workers trapped inside the comfort zone rather than try new challenges.

3. money matters
Income is the biggest factor that discourages employees to try new things to switch professions. This is because they already feel that money or wages earned each month already suffice the needs of their life. This is the consideration that make them doubtful for ' steering wheel ' and slam the profession in other fields.

4. feel confused
Feel unsure or confused to make employees increasingly afraid to build a new career. Many workers are trapped in a situation like this, so they stay afloat with her job now.
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