When the little one has been more than nine months, then it's time he was introduced with the texture of coarse meal. But many parents complain about when to introduce foods a rough-textured in a child is a time to eat so much longer because the son of eat.
"This makes parents so prefer to give children a soft food or even liquid so easily swallowed up," explains Dr. Tatang Puspanjono, SpA, MKlinik Ped, in seminar on "challenges and solutions for Difficult Children eating" in Jakarta, some time ago. However, it cannot be left alone for too long, because it could affect the growth of children's teeth.
In fact one of the factors the causes of child eat is due to designate the teeth will grow. Will this grow teeth made of hardened gum so a little pain and itching. Then the rough-textured foods will help "scratching" gums and make it more limp.
More importantly, rough-textured food such as rice, porridge, and others, are useful to train children's ability to skillfully use his teeth, and stimulates the formation of teeth and its anatomy typifies.
Tatang added that the skills of oral usage it will ultimately affect the ability of passionate speeches. "If it comes to the age of three children would not eat the food, then this will affect the growth of teeth, and result in the existence of linguistic problems such as slow talking or abnormalities of the talk," he said.
Dental anatomy and growth associated with the tongue and lips have a crucial role in determining the clarity of the articulation of speech. About 50-60 percent of the people who are having problems because of this talk caused abnormalities in growth and dental anatomy.
"This makes parents so prefer to give children a soft food or even liquid so easily swallowed up," explains Dr. Tatang Puspanjono, SpA, MKlinik Ped, in seminar on "challenges and solutions for Difficult Children eating" in Jakarta, some time ago. However, it cannot be left alone for too long, because it could affect the growth of children's teeth.
In fact one of the factors the causes of child eat is due to designate the teeth will grow. Will this grow teeth made of hardened gum so a little pain and itching. Then the rough-textured foods will help "scratching" gums and make it more limp.
More importantly, rough-textured food such as rice, porridge, and others, are useful to train children's ability to skillfully use his teeth, and stimulates the formation of teeth and its anatomy typifies.
Tatang added that the skills of oral usage it will ultimately affect the ability of passionate speeches. "If it comes to the age of three children would not eat the food, then this will affect the growth of teeth, and result in the existence of linguistic problems such as slow talking or abnormalities of the talk," he said.
Dental anatomy and growth associated with the tongue and lips have a crucial role in determining the clarity of the articulation of speech. About 50-60 percent of the people who are having problems because of this talk caused abnormalities in growth and dental anatomy.