He added, there are many causes of blackheads is, among other things, how to skin care, hormonal, and genetic. If some of the products instant blackheads Remover on the market is not able to eliminate blackheads perfectly, there are some other alternatives that might help You. However, remember not to suppress or prying blackheads with a variety of ways. This will make your skin inflamed, infections, and causes the incidence of scarring on the skin.
1. Baking soda
"Exfoliation of dead skin is one way to minimize the incidence of blackheads," said Zalka. For more effective results, just use baking soda. Baking soda is the active ingredient that is commonly used in engineering for slough of Microdermabrasion skin.
If used regularly, baking soda can help to minimize the blackheads. How, mix baking soda with water and stir until a paste is formed. Rub it gently on the face, then let sit until it dries and rinse. If you do not have baking soda, you can use vinegar to clean the pores of the face. Apple vinegar has astringent properties and anti bacteria, thus helping reduce the incidence of blackheads.
2. Clay Mask
Dr. Jennifer MacGregor of the Union Square Dermatology Laser revealed that the content of kaolin that is in these clay masks can help lift the dead skin cells and prevent blackheads. In addition, clay got absorption will help reduce the production of excess oil on the face.
3. "Pore strips"
If you want a more practical, you can use the lifter plaster blackheads that are on the market. "Plaster this blackhead can indeed help lift blackheads and improve the structure of the pore. But the blackheads will still come back unless you treat skin properly and regularly clean up front to prevent it from coming back, "saran Zalka.
4. salicylic acid and glycolic "
"The best way to break down the oils that clog the pores is to use a beta-hydroxy acid or salicylic acid," says MacGregor. This glycolic and salicylic acid to help absorb the oil and clean the surface of the porous so it will prevent the formation of blackheads. Typically, both the active ingredient is widely found in SOAP products, cleaners or anti acne facial cleanser.
5. Microdermabrasion
If you have more money, and want the blackheads gone longer, so Microdermabrasion could be the answer. In addition to eliminate blackheads, this procedure will also help improve the texture and appearance of the skin.